Chapter Ten

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Mal had to admit, she was nervous even if she would never say it out loud. This was her first time being an errand rat and if Maleficent were to find out she would probably blow her stack.

The very thought of her, Mal, being an errand rat would be bad enough but for Lord Hades? Mal didn't know why her birth giver seemed to utterly despise the God of the Dead but the mere mention of him or Persephone got Maleficent worked up to go on hour long rants. Nine times out of ten, Mal was able to get out of dodge before she was noticed.

The tenth time though....

Mal shook her head to clear her thoughts. It wouldn't do to go into Hook's territory distracted. Even if Harry was part of her crew, that didn't mean everyone else was. After all, some of Hook's crew seemed to hang on Frollo's dad's every word, which could prove dangerous if they ever lost their fear of Maleficent.

Frollo didn't hold back on how he felt about those who practiced what he called 'witchcraft' after all, and with no magic to protect her, Mal knew she could be a target if Frollo and his ilk gained enough power.

"Hey Mal," Harriet said with a smile as the younger girl walked into the shop, bringing Mal's thoughts back to the present. "How can I help you? If you're looking for Harry, he's off getting more fish for the Captain. If you're looking for the Captain, he's in a meeting with Smee. I doubt you'd be looking for CJ and I'm obviously right here."

Mal shook her head, wincing a bit at the movement as she'd been taught a lesson in respect from Maleficent the night before. "No, I'm here to pick up Lord Hades' weekly order actually."

"Oh," Harriet said, not commenting on the wince. To her credit, if she was surprised that Mal was picking up the order, it didn't show on her face. "It's in the back. Give me one minute and I'll grab it for you."

Mal nodded and the older girl ducked into the back, leaving Mal by herself. Not that she minded, the fish shop was small enough that no one could really sneak up on her. Besides, if being the offspring of Maleficent held any benefits, it was that it was rare that anyone tried to mess with her.

Fred Frollo and his gang notwithstanding.

I should meet up with Harry soon, Mal thought. If Frollo's getting as brazen as he was last week to chase me through the Isle, I should make sure my sword fighting's up to par. Especially since my eyes keep flashing like crazy. Maybe it's the Fae magic Maleficent keeps talking about.

It would have to wait until her latest 'lesson' from Maleficent healed. It was Mal's fault though, she had called her Maleficent to her face instead of the preferred title of 'mother'. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, only a bruised rib and arm this time and a night without dinner. Mal had skipped breakfast by her own choice; not wanting to be alone with Maleficent for longer than necessary in case Maleficent decided Mal needed to learn her lesson again.

Truthfully, going without dinner was more of a kindness than anything else Maleficent could have given her—the selections they had gotten from this month's delivery were bad even for first pick standards. Besides, if Lord Hades was good to his word, Mal wouldn't have to worry about starvation as a punishment anymore.

"Here you go," Harriet said, breaking into Mal's thoughts as she came back around holding the order. "One weekly order of fish for the God of the Dead."

Mal took the order, holding back a wince as the act of lifting her arm caused pain to shoot through her rib. She'd have to find a way to wrap it or something—maybe Harry would have some tips. He was always getting into 'trouble' with his dad.

Or I could talk to Jay, Mal thought. He's always getting into scrapes, people catching him steal their stuff. Plus, since his dad's on Maleficent's team, it might get her off my back for a bit. Show her that I'm becoming like her, making my own team of minions from her team.

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