Chapter Seventeen

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The months flew by and before Mal knew it, it was June and the day of her sixth birthday arrived. She didn't really expect much; Maleficent never really acknowledged it. The only reason Mal knew it was her birthday was because she had asked Maleficent when she was three.

Uma had asked about her birthday and Mal, being a reasonably innocent three year old, thought there had been no harm in asking the dragon the same question. Thankfully Maleficent had been in a reasonably good mood, having gotten the chance to torment the goblins, and so all Mal got was a terse response giving her the date.

After Mal found out, though, Uma and Harry had made it their mission to make sure they at least celebrated Mal's birthday the best they could. Whether it was by trying to grab the freshest thing from the delivery barge they could or by snatching something from another Isle resident, they always made sure Mal had something on her birthday.

Today, however, Mal woke up feeling a little excited for once. It was her first birthday where she had a parent who might do more than simply tell her the day she was born.

I mean, dad won't be able to do much since we're trapped on an Isle and Steph's stuck in Boredon but at least it'll be better than what the dragon provides, Mal thought as she got dressed and quickly scurried out of her 'room' at Maleficent's. The last thing she wanted was for Maleficent to try to teach Mal a 'lesson' on her birthday.

Thank the Gods the dragon still hasn't realized I was the only kid on the Isle not invited to Blueberry's birthday, Mal thought as she made her way to the clubhouse as per tradition. Opening the gate, Mal couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before her.

Clearly her cousin and friend had stayed up way too late preparing a makeshift party for her as they were slumped over on the milk crates. A spray painted banner hung above them, reading 'Happy Birthday Mal" in dark purple.

Shaking her head, Mal quietly walked over to Uma and shook her shoulder. "Uma?"

"Not now Mal," Uma muttered, sleep clearly still occupying her brain. "I need to get the clubhouse ready for Mal's party."

"Oh?" Mal asked, amusement evident in her voice. "Well what's left to do?"

"We need...Mal?!"

"Good morning sleepyhead," Mal chuckled as Uma stared at her in shock, waking up from her slumber. "How late were you two here last night?"

"I don't know," Uma said with a yawn and a stretch as she sat up. "Harry, Jay and I spent hours arguing over what color the banner should be. Then Jay had to go and finish his quota for his dad and Harry and I finished the decorations."

Mal gave her friend a small smile. "It's nice to know that Harry's accepted Jay in the group."

"I think it's because Jay's taller than us," Uma chuckled. "He had an easier time hanging the banner. We almost used Harry's hook to secure to the wall before Jay swiped some sticky stuff from one of the shops. I didn't ask what it was and I don't want to know what it is."

"Hey Mal," Harry said with a groan as he woke up, not even questioning the other girl's arrival. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks Harry," Mal said with a small smile. "Won't your dad be missing you at the counter though?"

Harry shook his head. "Captain papa won't notice I'm gone. Well he might but he won't do anything. Not if I tell him I'm making sure you have a great birthday. He's terrified of what the dragon might do, especially since I told him you never got an invite to Blueberry's party."

"Maleficent might murder him if she ever found out Hook was there when her own daughter wasn't," Uma said with a small smirk. She wasn't a fan of how Hook treated her first mate though she knew Harry still had a soft spot in his heart for the man. He was, after all, his only remaining parent.

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