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Hold me.

I beg you to hold me.

For you to wrap your strong arms around me.

To make me feel home again.

To keep me warm,


hold me.

Jimin turns his head weakly to the window watching as the raindrops hit it violently, finally merging with each other. Jimin watches the action lost in his thoughts, placing his finger to the cold glass and tracing them, imaginating how cold they'd feel.

Would they be colder than your gaze on me?

Colder than your big hands on my warm back?

Colder than your heart?

Colder than the world feels..

without you?

Jimin feels the coldness hit his cheeks as he finds himself crying silently now. He lifts a shaky hand to his face and wipes them hesitatingly. He closes his eyes at the feeling.

But could I touch myself 

and make myself feel the same warmth

as you give me

when you touch me?

could i feel the same hands

the same tingly feeling,

the same butterflies?

Jimin sniffs and places his hand down looking at his lap, fidgeting. 

His heart was aching, the actions from  a week ago replaying infront of his eyes like he was watching a movie over and over again.

-I cheated on you.

Jimin shivers closing his eyes.

But will bring you the same 

feeling of comfort 

as me?

will he..

want to bring you the moon,

the stars,

without being afraid

of losing breath?

-No, you didn't. The words escape Jimin's mouth almost immediately, almost scaring himself.

-Yes, I did.

Will he touch you 

as gentle as me?

will he be there to

wipe your tears and listen?

Jimin's eyes are filled with hot tears now, rolling down his chubby cheeks hitting his plump pink lips, a salty taste hitting his mouth.


-Baby, I'm so sorry I.. Yoongi tries to reach out for Jimin's hand.

-NO! Don't touch me! Jimin backs away quickly, chocking on a sob. Don't touch me. He reapts himself.

How come your arms won't bring me the same  of safety,

of comfort


Your touch feels like fire,

like salt on the wound.

Yoongi froze, tearing up himself.

-Please. He whispers. I didn't meant to..

-What do you mean you didn't meant to?! You didn't mean to fuck them?!

Will you feel loved?



-Jimn, baby, I..


I want you back.

so much

that I'm breaking.

Yoongi turns around and starts walking with heavy stepts; each step making Jimin's heart ache worse. He was on his knees now, groaning in pain as he was also sobbing.

Will he be the love of your life

just like you thought?

Will he..

be enough

like I never was?

I hope he will.

I love you.

Thank you.

Yoonmin Oneshots V2Where stories live. Discover now