Chapter 1 : the first interaction 🥺

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I just came home from a photo shoot , my beloved dogs Clyde and Norman came to greet me like always . I kneeled down saying " hi baby's how are you guys today "  Norman then replied with a soft bark . I took my coat off and went into the kitchen , poured myself  a glass of tequila and lay down on my day bed , then I took my phone checked my emails and went threw my messages  , soon popped up a message from my manager , she said " Jen I want to set you up on a blind date  "  I was took - in by surprise so I stuttered and spoke " um really that sounds great "   Aleen then went on to say " his name is brad Pitt he's really charming and smoking hot like literally I think you guys will hit it off big time "  I then said " that's great just give him my number and tell him to call me anytime  "   Aleen  " ok Jen sure "  me " ok sweetie sounds fun " .  After that conversation ,
I went up stairs had a nice relaxing bubble bath and then all of a sudden my phone rang , Me thinking it's gotta be brad , I jumped out of the tub as fast as I could put my robe on , I almost slipped , I went to go see who it was . it WAS BRAD , I took my time on answering the call because I didn't want to seem to desperate ( we all know guys don't like that ) after a couple of rings I answered
"brad : hi is this Jen " 
"me : hi and yes who is this speaking " 
brad : my name is brad I'm sure Aleen told you about me "
me : ahah yess she's mentioned you , how are you "
"brad : I'm good but I was wandering if you would like to go on a date sometime this week "
" me : yes wait there a sec let me check my schedule , um I can do Friday night 6pm "
Brad : " yes Friday is fine with me "
Me : " ok great where we meeting "
Brad : " how about the sunset tower hotel "
Me : " oh I love that place "
Brad : " me too  see you there then  "
Me :  " ok see you " .

( authors speech ) hey guys I'm really knew to this , if you like chapter one let me no and I'll write a chapter 2  💕

Hollywood sweet hearts 🥰aka brennifer Where stories live. Discover now