"It was. Until it all turned to ashes in our mouths" Natasha said. Her voice was devoid of any emotion. Bucky cringed worrying that he might have hit a sore spot. Before he could apologize. She continued, "After the meeting, I will fill you in on the vampire history. Or you can access the library here."

Bucky nodded. Natasha led him to a small room and asked him to wait there. After half an hour she called him to join the meeting. Bucky entered the main sanctuary. It was one of the most beautiful places he had ever seen. The paintings and carving were outlined with gold. The light from the fire reflected on the gold lining and illuminated the room. On the dais, a golden throne was places. On both sides of the throne, ornate chairs were placed. From the look it was understood that good care has been taken of this historic place. The group were seated in a circle around a table. It must be new as the varnish hasn't faded and it sorely stood out from the rest of the room.

Bucky occupied the empty seat next to Tony. Even before he could speak Jiaying protested to him joining the meeting.

"This is a meeting of council members only."

"Then make me one" Bucky retorted back immediately.

"You broke the vampire law and now you ask for a seat at the council." Anger shone in her eyes as she looked at him.

He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. His eyes turned a slight shade of red. "You think I turned every vampire in the clan-less? I have never turned a single human. Every fucking vampire in the clan-less has been turned by someone in the clan. Why should we suffer for the mistakes of others? Personally, I don't like the little council of yours. But the clan-less needs the council. As their leader I owe them that. That's why I came here in peace. Don't make me retract my offer."

Jiaying remained silent thinking over what to say.

Natasha spoke up, "We ended Loki's rule 'cause it was flawed. We shouldn't do the same mistakes. We can't let history repeat itself. We have got to change our ways with the time."

"We have had the law that no vampire outside clan for as long as I remember. But still they are created. The law didn't stop anyone" Steve said.

"How many clan-less are there?" Jiaying asked looking at Bucky.


Jiaying was taken aback. The five clans combined make the same number. "Won't it be a threat for other clans to have one clan powerful than others?"

"Not giving us seat at the council also poses the same threat. We will retaliate."

Jiaying frowned at Bucky. Steve intervened, "Jiaying, denying them means sure war. So many innocents will die on both sides. Humans will die. The clan-less are also one of us. You have lived your life protecting our kind. Why can't you change the rule to accommodate them?"

Jiaying thought over what Steve said. She finally agreed to give Bucky a seat in the council. Jiaying shook Bucky's hand welcoming him into the council.

"Welcome to the council. Even though we didn't start off in right note I'm looking forward to mend it."

"I'm also hoping we will get along. Thanks for agreeing in our favour."

Tony and Natasha followed her lead and welcomed Bucky. Bucky eyes met Steve's and there was an awkward tension between the both. Steve muttered a welcome and turned away. He accompanied Jiaying on the way out.

Tony turned to Natasha and whispered, "I could slice the air with a knife." They both snickered like teenagers.

Natasha straightened up and looked at Bucky, "Again, welcome to the council. I will make arrangements for 'Draught of Frost blood.' I have got to leave now. Catch up with you later." Bucky uttered thanks.

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