24. Allies and Strangers

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Bucky and the clan-less arrived at the scene. Bucky had an automatic gun and he shot Rumlow's men as they exited the van. The shots weakened them. Some ran towards Bucky to attack him. But Hope and Lincoln flung forward and took them out. Scott came barging in through the gateway driving an old van. Bucky threw his bullet-less gun down and took out a stake from his belt buckle. He threw it at the on-comping vampire precisely slashing through his heart, turning him into dust.

"Get in the van and get out" shouted Lincoln.

"I don't have to be told twice" said Pietro as he ran to the van. Others followed him. They piled into the back; Scott hit the gas and started the engine. Bucky and the others cramped into the existing space as the van took off. Some vampires who were alive were too weak to chase them.

Only after they put some safe distance between themselves and the factory, everyone let out the breath they were holding. The van grumbled through the streets of New York. Meanwhile, Natasha was filling Steve and Tony on the information she gathered. Pietro wasn't listening. His mind was preoccupied.

"Where is Wanda?" asked Pietro.

"In the shadow den along with the others. They are safe" replied Scott. He turned to Steve, "By the way, big fan of your company's infrastructure" he said with a smile.

"What?" asked Steve puzzled.

"What?" repeated Scott trying to cover up.

Scott drove the van to an old amusement park. Bucky led the way to the small outlook post with a speakeasy grate. He knocked the door in a pattern; in response a woman looked through the speakeasy grate. Seeing Bucky, she opened the door. Bucky walked in and the other clan-less followed him. Others looked uncertainly at each other as they followed him to the Shadow Den. He led them to the underground structure. It was bigger than they expected. They clan-less had made separate rooms for each of them. Some stopped their activities to see the new comers. Bucky led the group into a room which looked like a meeting hall.

Hearing everyone's voice, Wanda turned around. Her face broke into broad smile as she saw Pietro alive. She ran to him and wrapped him in her arms. Pietro hugged her back just as tight.

"Don't worry, sis. 'm still here."

The meeting hall was packed. The clan and the clan-less were sitting separately. Wanda and Pietro sat holding their hands. Coulson was alone in the corner watching everyone intently. Natasha cleared her throat and everyone looked at her.

"I want to thank everyone who saved me and my friends today. Willingly or unwillingly we became allies and this is the only chance of survival for all of us. Rumlow and Stane will stop at nothing to kill us and we need to stand together. We-"

"Why should we help you?" Lincoln interjected.

"Their plan went hay fire thanks to you. After they are done with us, they will sure come after you." Steve stated.

The clan and the clan-less argued back and forth; soon it burst into a shouting match. No one was listening to what other was saying. The room was a mess.

"Guys. Guys, stop it. We have important matter at hand." Coulson intervened. The room became silent and every pair of eyes were trained on the human standing in front of them. There was a glint of red in their eyes echoing the annoyance of being interrupted. Any other person would have been intimidated by the sudden spotlight on them but Coulson continued on with the demeanour.

"We have a pressing issue. We need to work together whether we like it or not. This matter affects everyone. We have no other choice. Natasha, share the intel with everyone"

"Rumlow and Stane planned to frame Tony for smuggling weapons but the link was too weak. In every record Stane's name would come up. And they can't turn Jiaying against Tony with that case. They waited for a chance. Last year, when Tony changed a kid into vampire without the council's permission, Stane decided to use it. He had been putting together a case for long."

Tony was surprised by Natasha's revelation. "How long have you known?"

"All along. Peter didn't disappear. Stane sent him away to the clan-less."

"To them?" Tony started in disbelief. It would mean he is still alive. "Peter is here?" he asked looking at the clan-less. Seeing Hope nod in affirmation, Tony's eyes watered. He closed his eyes and breathed in relief.

Natasha continued, "Stane and Rumlow are involved in smuggling and they know only it's a matter of time before someone from the council intervenes. If Jiaying knows about Peter she would vote to execute Tony. She won't look into smuggling. They would have gotten away with it."

"Where does clan-less come in this?" Bucky asked.

"Peter was purposefully brought to you to make it look like Tony and the clan-less were conspiring. If their plan didn't succeed, would have used the clan-less to finish of the council. The wanted to use the feud"

"What were they smuggling? And where?" Hope spoke up.

"Weapons. The weapons from Stark industries are transported across the Atlantic."

"Don't say it's for the Legion" pleaded Sam.

Natasha nodded gravely. Everyone was silent taking in the situation. Bucky spoke up, "I need to discuss with others." Bucky went out of the room followed by other clan-less. The others weren't sure what will be the outcome. They made small talks and passed the time. When Bucky came back, he said, "We will help you but we need a deal. One of the clan-less needs a seat at the council. Every clan-less should be given the draught. If you agree we have a deal."

"Deal" said Natasha after thinking for some time.

"What about your council buddies?" asked Bucky pointing to Steve and Tony. They both nodded their head in agreement.

"It's about time we change the laws" stated Natasha. She extended her hand towards Bucky as a sign of alliance. Bucky accepted it.

"Natasha, Tony and I will take the evidence to Jiaying and try to convince her. Pietro will need to come with us. She needs to see him and get the story from him about his transformation."

"I am also coming" stated Wanda. "I am not going to leave his side" she added indicating Pietro.

"The last shipment is today. We need you to stop it. It's having one of Tony's latest inventions. It in the hands of Legion could erase our own kind in Europe" said Natasha to the clan-less. Bucky agreed. Everyone left to prepare for the oncoming battle.

"So, they ditched us again?" Howard asked looking the only other member left in the room.

"Nah, they left me in charge" retorted Coulson.

"No, they didn't."

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