21. Vulture

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After Steve left, a car stopped in front of Rogers Innovative. Adrian Toomes got out of the car and walked into the building. The security guard stopped him at the entrance. Adrian tried to push past him but the guard resisted.

"Move or you will regret" he said. "Davis" he added looking at name batch on his shirt. His fangs descended and he growled at the guard to threaten him.

Davis shook his head dramatically as he bared his own fangs and smirked at Adrian. The two vampires took off fighting. Toomes delivered punches after punches but Davis was quick in deflecting it. He punched Toomes in his stomach which he retorted by kicking the Davis in his shins. When he went down, Toomes stomped his feet into his knees cracking the bone. Davis let out a howl in pain. Adrian continued towards the elevator. He got in and pressed the button for Steve's floor.

Davis was lying on the floor in pain. He got his radio out and spoke into it. "Piper are you there?"

"Yes, you big dumb baby."

"There is an intruder. Get the kids to safety"

Piper and Pietro had just entered Steve's office. Piper alerted the others and led them to the private elevator in the office. They used it to reach the blood storage room behind the stairs which only few knew about. They ran across the lobby towards the exit. Piper saw Davis on the floor clutching his knee. She helped him stand up by taking most of his weight. She heard Wanda calling her name and looked up. She noticed that they were surrounded by five thugs from Rumlow's clan.

"To the parking lot. NOW" Coulson shouted as the group moved away from the main entrance towards elevator. Toomes stepped out of the elevator and blocked their path.

"That leaves us no other option than to stand and fight" said Coulson as he took a gun from his shoulder holster and shot the five vampires in their head. "This will keep them down. They can't heal unless the bullets are taken out."

"I want one of that when we get back to base" Pietro commented.

Toomes ran towards them and Coulson fired his last bullet. It missed Toomes by just an inch and shattered the statue behind him. Before they reached the elevator, Adrian caught Pietro. He took a stake out of his coat and pressed the tip to Pietro's chest. The others stood still calculating their move.

"Don't think of anything. One wrong move the kid will turn to ash" he threatened.

"Okay... Okay we will do as you say" offered Wanda.

"Don't worry. I will be fine" Pietro consoled her.

"Stop talking" Toomes strangled him with his free hand. He turned to the others, "Don't try to stop me."

The others didn't move a muscle as Toomes took Pietro as hostage and walked out. He rendered Pietro unconscious with a hit to his head; pushed him into the trunk of his car and drove away.

Piper looked at the vampires lying on the floor. "Let's move before more of Rumlow's men come here." She rubbed Wanda's shoulder, "We will find Pietro." Wanda nodded.

Davis was still whining in pain. Piper collected blood packets from the freezer and distributed it to Davis and Howard. Davis eagerly plunged his teeth into the packet and drank large gulps. He could feel him bones repairing. He will gain his strength back in no time.

"I don't need it. You guys are hurt, you should have it." declined Howard.

"Have it. There is enough for everyone and we need everyone to their full strength."

Howard accepted the blood bag. While the three vampires were feeding, Wanda walked to the opposite side of the lobby and stood staring at the paintings on the wall. Coulson walked a bit further way from the group and called Steve. The call went directly to voicemail. He tried calling Tony but he was out of reach. Coulson sighed and looked at the others.

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