Chapter 11

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A few days later they were trying to decide what they were going to do. When Caroline blurted."What if we leave."

"What" Bonnie asked.

"This town causes nothing but heartbreak" Caroline said."Elena lost all her family here. My dad died your grams your mom doesn't visit. Everything is so bad here. Jordan and Hope won't have a good life. Here we leave it all behind. Get rid of the pain."

"She has a good point" Rebekah said."This is where i lost all my rights,"

"Sell the property's we all leave. We can have a better life somewhere that is not here" Caroline said.

Elena looked at her daughter in her hand."She's right" Everyone turned and looked at her."Let's put the bad behind us we get rid of them once and for all and we leave. I don't want Jordan growing up in this place. We need a new start lets get it."

"Wherever y'all are i go" Freya said.

"Same" Klaus said.

"I'm not losing y'all again" Henrick said.

They all knew it was going to be hard but they had to do it. They couldn't stay in Mystic Falls. They had to move. They needed a better future. And there was only one way that they were going to get it. They had to leave the place that had once been a home to all of them. They had to make sure that Jordan and Hope get a better future.

"Where would we even go" Elena asked.

"We can go anywhere love perks of being us. There is no where in the world that we can't go" Kol said.

"I'll put my house on the Market and start packing." Bonnie said.

"Ok" Caroline said.


Caroline Bonnie Jeremy and Alaric left it was only the family.

"So where do we go" Freya asked.

"New Orleans New York Chicago where do y'all want to go" Rebekah said.

"Not New Orleans the witches are physco" Hayley said.

"We could always move around were not confined i say we start somewhere and we show the girls the world" Kol said.

"We could start in New York major city while there young and work our way around" Klaus said.

"Now we just have to deal with the problem" Elijah said.

"Our parents" Henrick said.

"What about that aunt Freya was telling me about" Rebekah said,

"She's already dead" Freya said."I took care of her in 1914 before i went and found Kol. She died i watched her. With the knife with the blood the ash and soil. Thanks for the tip blood of my mother not of me."

"So how do we draw them out" Henrick asked.

Everyone looked at Elena."Why do i have to do it."

"Because they hate you simple as that. We just need you to draw them out" Freya said.

"Then we kill them" Klaus said.

"You Hayley and Jordan draw them out before they get you two we get them" Rebekah said.

"I don't like the idea of both my wife and daughter being used" Kol said.

"So we do that and everything will be fine" Rebekah said. Completely ignoring her brother.

"Fine" Elena groaned.

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