Chapter Nine (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Alright then". he says with a smile, making Liv blush instantly.

"Bring in suspect one."

As he turns to face her, Alivia shakes her head, already a bit frustrated, "too short."

"Alright, rotate out suspect two, please officer McCall."

Folding her arms, "No! no, the guy who attacked me wasn't messy- He was neatly groomed, his hair was gelled back." Her cheeks turn red as she looks down, rubbing her arm as she fidgets with her sleeve. "I can still smell him." she says in a low tone, disgusted from the memory.

"Would you like to take a break Ms. Young? Could I get you a coffee- or water?"

She looks at Upton with a quick smile. Careful to not take her frustration out on him and nods.

"I'm Fine, thanks. Let's keep going."

"As you wish ma'am. Number Three please Officer."

When he walks in, my eyes narrow and my jaw clenches, seeing only red. As Liv is forming her sentence, "That's hi-." I've already yanked the door open, pushing through the hall. Officer McCall grabs my shirt, pulling me back, but the adrenaline pumping in my core allows me to jerk free. Lunging forward, I take a handful of his neatly tucked collared shirt, there is no hesitation in my actions. My fist smashes into his face, causing his skin to rip along his cheek bone, blood splatters against my face as I continue to assault him the way he assaulted Livi. Muffled voices shout my name from the hall, but I can't stop. I can't look away. It takes three officers to pull me from this worthless man.

"They aren't here to save you this time!" I growl as I spit in his bloody face. "Fuck you, dad."

"Book Scott Carr for assault and battery against Ms. Young" Upton shouts over the commotion I stirred up.


"Upton! Wait!" I yell as the officers take me to what I assume is a holding cell in the opposite direction "That's not Scott, that's Jason Pectin!" McCall stops, shifting me to face Upton.

"No?" he says in a question, quickly flipping open the crisp manilla folder.

"You're mistaken, his I.D. says Scott M. Carr. Resides in Albany, Louisiana."

"It's wrong, I know my father's face, Scott is dead- and that worthless man," I gesture as best I can with my hands cuffed, lifting an elbow, "is my fucking father."

Thankfully, Detective Upton, was pretty understanding of my outburst at the precinct, but decided to hold me for an hour for safety measures

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Thankfully, Detective Upton, was pretty understanding of my outburst at the precinct, but decided to hold me for an hour for safety measures. Abbie would be here soon anyways to pick me up, Alivia wasn't expecting to get stuck here, while they debated on filing paper work on me for pushing a cop. She had a shift at the Cafe so I let her use my car. I stand and press my head to the cell bars when I hear multiple sets of footsteps and murmurs rounding the corner.

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