She walked towards the reception; the receptionist was surprised to see her. "Pia, it had been long time." She said hugging Pia. "Yes, it had been long time. Sister Margret, I want to meet you to my Husband Christopher. Christopher she is sister Margret, she looks after this place." She made the introduction and Christopher just exchanged greetings. "She is in the craft's room as always doing some craft work." Pia nodded.

She took Christopher's hand and walked towards the Craft's room and inside she was sitting down with her face close to an earthen pot she was thus painting. Pia left Christopher's hand and walked towards the woman. "Ma" she called softly. The woman looked at her but didn't said a word, she looked back at the pot in front of her painting it again. Pia's eyes watered, "Ma don't you recognize me?" the woman didn't respond to her queries.

The woman kept looking away muttering something under her breath, so it was one of those days. Pia stood up wiping her eyes. Christopher was watching her closely and trying to understand her predicament. Then it hit her, the research, this was why she wanted to do that. It was because this woman she calls her mother. He pulled her to him and she pressed her face against his chest sobbing silently.

He stroked her hairs and let her cry holding him. Then they walked out and the sister on their way out. "I am sorry Pia, it was just one of those days, she cannot remember anything. I should have warned you before, the doctor paid her visit yesterday and up her doses saying that it wasn't not working anymore. She is forgetting things faster; her dementia is getting worse." Pia looked at Sister Margret sadly. "I am sorry Pia; I know it is hard. I know, I am sorry." Sister Margret hugged her.

She sat on the bench near the fountain. Christopher sat beside her. "I am sorry" Christopher said. "It is not your fault; I know with her condition something like this is going to happen. It was the ultimate fate." Pia said. 

"Then too, it doesn't make it easier to see her this way, forgetting all about you," Christopher consoled her. He held her close to her as she played with his fingers. "Tell me Roy, what I ever did to deserve this? What was my fault in all this?" She asked looking into his two-colored eyes.

"Nothing Love, you are not at fault here, there are things that happens to us, and for those things no one is responsible. You too shall not feel responsible." Christopher said pulling her into his arms. "Hey, cheer up little pixie, it is not good to feel sad in your condition, tell me what can I do to make it alright?" He asked. "Nothing, it is something I need to do alone. I do not want my only family to forget me"

It sends a pang through Christopher's heart. "Does she not consider me as her family still?" He thought. "I didn't mean to say you are not my family Roy, you are my best friend too, not just a lover, or a husband. And not just a family, we are each other's half, we complete each other. And there is this final secret I wanted to share with you. I need to tell you everything, everything I had thus kept from you. Christopher too looked at her rather attentively. "I can understand Little Pixie, there are some secrets I have been keeping too." He said.

"Some secrets that had made you cry before. I do not want that, I do not want you to cry again, specially because of my fault. It will tear me from within. I know I have told you that there is only one priority in my life that is my research. But not anymore. I can give up my research my life's work, but what I cannot give up is my life. What I cannot give up is you. You have changed everything for me. You have changed the course of my life, I have set many goals for myself, and today I set one for you. I will cure your mother, at least I will try my best." Pia gasped. "But Roy your own research..." he placed a finger on her lips.

"Our research, Mrs. Pia Christopher Woodland, it is our not mine, beside no one said we cannot do both together. I love to invest my time and money in yours and beside since you own twenty five percent of the shares, it makes you partial owner of the Woodland and equal owner of what I own. Like my assets,.." "Why did you do that?" She asked curiously. "Because as I said, I like to do my research, while you manage my office." Christopher smiled.

"You trust me too much Roy, with all your precious work." He smiled. "Oh I trust you with something much more precious than all my money little pixie, I trust you with my heart." That made her feel guiltier that she didn't proclaimed her love for him. Maybe after she tells him everything... "Now tell me what is that you want to tell" Christopher asked looking at her.

"Let's take a walk, this place is beautiful" Pia said and Christopher nodded. So, they decided to walk around the town for a while. "You know now that she is my mother, and Baba's wife that is Mia's mother was my Aunt. She loved me like her own that is after she had found out about me." She said. 

"My mother belonged from a traditional Bengali family who doesn't tolerate mistakes. Those mistakes been my Aunt who is older than my mother by five years eloping with my uncle. My maternal grandparents never did recover from this shock." Pia laughed.

"Quite amusing family, you have," Christopher said. "Oh, you have heard nothing yet." Pia smiled. "So, as I said, my maternal family being a very traditional one didn't accepted my aunt's and uncle's love. For them their pride was greater than anything as pure as their innocent love. So, My uncle being a romantic decided that only way is to elope after they tried everything to make them understand. Also, he started his business just then. After he married my Aunt, or his lucky charm as he called her, he came into a good fortune."

"Hmmm... looks to me that I too haven't got accepted." Christopher commented. "No, you haven't" He looked at her with a challenge in his eyes. "Even then you would have been mine, I wouldn't let you go at any cost." Christopher said. 

"I don't doubt that Roy, not a bit" He slipped his hands in hers, entwining her fingers with his. "So, after your Aunt left what happened to your mother? And what about your father, you never do talk about him, is he someone like me? You don't know him too?" Christopher asked.

"I do know him. Sadly, I wished I never did. As I said unlike you Christopher, I wasn't just abandon as a child or became an orphan because I had no choice, but I had one and for that I chose to run." She closed her eyes remembering her mother's words. Just a small girl she was then. "You remember the man who had came in with the proposal for the research?" Christopher nodded.

"How can I forget him, he is one of the best in the field. But I never did get chance to learn from him." She felt he still had some admiration left for the man because they are into same field. "Well yes, I get it. But he wasn't the best, not until he eliminated the only competition." That peeked up his interest. "Competition? You mean someone is actually better than Dr. Basu?" he asked. If there was then maybe he can seek their help in treating her mother.

"Was best, was the best of them all, but he just took it all away before she can prove it. It was the woman you just met, my mother. She was supposed to conquer all of it. She had only one dream and unlike me, she never get that chance, never because he took it all from her. In just one flick of his wrist, he made sure she never did get chance to oppose him." Pia said.

"What?" Christopher asked. "Oh he given a proposal to her family they cannot resist. He proposed to be bonded in marriage with her. That man who you still may admire Roy, one of the best as you say is also the reason I have suffered so much in this life. He is my father Dr. Aniruddha Basu" 

Word Count: 2207 Words

Mr. Suave (A Medical Romance) #1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant