Chapter 3

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Here is the third part, happy reading

Pia looked at his suit. She wanted to return it but when she called the hotel, they told that he already left for States next morning. They informed that he was about to check out last night, but he stayed. She wondered weather he stayed for her. But as soon as that thought came it went away. No, he couldn't have done that. No, it is just some dumb luck she ran into him when she did.

His suit still smells so much like him and for some reason that is so much comfortable. "We have received our Visa, here is yours" Disha said looking in her direction. Since they have returned from Delhi Pia almost forget to smile and she almost never leaves that suit jacket alone.

"Again?" Mia asked looking at Disha. She nodded. "Still looking at that suit jacket I assume?" Reva asked. Disha nodded again. "Yes, you are very right and I don't know what is going to happen to her next. She is a little too silent just like she was when we have met her first, during her first year." Disha said sitting down.

"Don't worry, New York is a very good place for her to start, she will soon forget everything when she starts the internship. She will be so busy to forget everything, other than her present. She needs this change; she needs this new start." Mia said. Disha can only hope that it is so, she must forget her past in order to be happy. She has to. Otherwise...

The day was finally there when they are finally going to say goodbye to this country and embark on a new journey towards the new place, new country. They all reached to airport. Pia had kept the suit jacket hidden in her suitcase away from all prying eyes. She wanted to keep it away in order to avoid any questions that may come in her way. Because she doesn't know that answer to the why? Why she was still thinking about him?

He insulted her, and then he saved her from an impending doom. But when he too protected her modesty that had made him gain a whole new level of respect for himself in her eyes. But other than that, she doesn't know what it was that keeping her attached to that article of clothing. "Your boarding passes" That broke her trance and she looked at her friends.

"Here, take this and procced to the terminal waiting area until your flight had been called." Pia nodded and followed her friends. She covered herself with her dupatta. "Here this will help." Disha handed her a paper cup filled with coffee. "I know you are very much nervous about all this, but trust me everything will fall into place. You are at much better position then you were nine years ago. You have changed so much Pia. I can see that, you have grown, we all have seen you grow out of your shell and becoming something that is simply amazes me till date."

All of her friends came and surrounded her. "And where you cannot stand, you can always lean on us, because we are not just best friends, we are sisters, and sisters before misters remember that?" Reva said and she smiled. You can always trust Reva to lighten the mood.

 She knows how to turn the serious conversation into silly one in matters of minutes. Their flight was announced and all of them boarded it. "Soon ma, you too will be out of that place, I promise" Pia thought looking down and seeing the place vanishing beneath her until it became just a small point.

The announcement woke her up and she saw her friends waking up as well. "Finally, I am getting jet lagged." Reva Complained. "I know a medicine that will remove all that Jet lag in moment of mere minutes." Reva looked at Mia expectantly. "Get a shopping pill twice a day and you will be fine." Disha laughed at this and Pia smiled at their childishness. 

She was supposed to be the youngest yet she behaves as the mature one. "Fasten your seat belts please we are about to land." They heard the announcement. "I think I will try the treatment as soon as we get off Dr. Mia D'Silva" Reva said.

Mr. Suave (A Medical Romance) #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt