Chapter 20

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Pia was waiting by the cabin, as she was told. Even after her encounter that day, he remains distant. Or maybe she was the one who was distant, because his closeness had scared her. Maybe he had felt that too so he decided to stay away from her. 

She had completed her clinics and someone said she can find him here. The hospital no longer looked burned down. No sign of it here, but her and him both are the living proof that it had happened.

She was setting up his desk arranging the files when someone cleared the throat. She stood then stiffen with fear. She stood still not looking at him. "I just came here to check on you, I didn't mean too..." She was stopped by him. He turned her around so that she could face him. "Have I asked you for an explanation Little Pixie?" He asked.

Christopher was looking at her stiff posture. He was not very sure of why she always seem to be this much stiff in his presence . Was it because of him? Was it because how he had behaved with her in past? "No, I just..." She didn't knew what to say. What she was doing here anyway? He had already helped her with her research paper what more she needed of him today? The answer is nothing.

But her feet unknowingly took her towards his cabin and she thought she might help him by arranging all his things. "You know you can come here, you can go through my research and I will not say a thing to you? Then why this hesitation. We are no longer just colleagues, you and I both know what we are don't you?" He touched her face pushing the hairs away from her face. How he had missed this so much.

"I have a good news for you Little Pixie, the medical board had approved the research and they are taking that to the conference in Paris. They are going to present this to some big and influential companies. And some big and influential doctors. We too are needed to be there for that conference and the party afterwards. We get to meet many, many good people who will take our research to new heights." She cannot help but hug him. That too with a happy smile.

"Thank you, thank you, I knew it would work, I knew it would..." She realized her mistake but when she tried to pull back he didn't let her. "Did I told you to go?" She shook her head in no. "Then why try? You always try to run away from me, it makes me think I have done something wrong. Have I? tell me?" She shook her head again. "Use your words Mrs. Woodland."

"Pia and no you haven't done anything wrong. It just that I never let anyone be this much close to me, but..." "I am not anyone Pia, I am your husband, your other half and being that means, you should trust me a little with yourself. But I find it harder and harder to make you believe that we can work it out." He was looking into her eyes and she was looking into his. He didn't hesitated to close the distance and claim her lips.

He was lost into the sensations and it wasn't very bad. He pushed her against the wall moving down on her neck. Kissing it slightly pressing his mouth on it. His one hand was holding her in place and other holding her hands so that she couldn't escape him. He returned back to her lips. Kissing them hard. He sucked on her lower lips wanting to give him entrance to her unknown spaces.

His hand moved down her body under her dress on her abdomen going above resting just below her breast. He was lost in her not even caring who comes and sees them this way. Someone cleared their throat. He never thought he would see her again. It was Kelly. He pulled back from Pia and placed another kiss on her lips and then on her forehead. He mumbled a small sorry to her. Something he never done in his life.

He pulled Pia to him and she adjusted her dress, not knowing what will be the consequences. "How could you Chris?" Kelly exclaimed. "After all I did for you, how could you do this to me?" Christopher looked at both the women and thought how different they are. "I left my entire career, my entire life for you. But what you did? You left me, and now you are here like this with her... who is she anyway? That attention seeking good for nothing..."

Mr. Suave (A Medical Romance) #1Where stories live. Discover now