She showed it to Reggie who smiled when she nodded her head to another pile.

They quickly began to grab old torn up posters, record sleeves, and CD Jackets.

Julie's mom had a habit of picking up random records, posters, and CDs at garage sales and just piling them in up here using them for decoration randomly. 

Julie grabbed two glue guns and Reggie and Julie went to work on their art's and crafts project at the kitchen table.

Ray came home to find them surrounded in cut up pieces of paper and glue.

"What you and Reggie up to sweetie?" He asked confused by their surroundings.

Julie explained her idea, and quickly Ray was on board. He rushed off to his office and came back with a few printed pictures and handed them to her to add to the project before he sat down with them and began helping them. Which made Reggie really happy.

Finally hours later they had nearly completed their top secret project, as they placed the final touch on it. A cut out of one of the pictures Ray had brought them, it was a picture of Julie and Luke looking over lyrics with Luke playing the notes on his guitar while Alex and Reggie leaned over their shoulders. Each of them looking extremely focused on the task at hand not noticing Ray having walked in with his camera.

The placed the picture on the top center before Reggie and Julie went to the studio to present the surprise. They found Alex and Luke watching Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back.

"Hey Luke, Alex," Julie greeted walking in with Reggie.

"Hey Julie, Reggie, what have you guys been up to all day?"

"Well, funny you should mention that, I know you've really been wanting to get into my dream box-"

"I get to look inside-"

"No." Julie deadpanned, Luke looked a little disapointed but continued listening, "but, I did figure out something better with the help of Reggie and Alex. So, since you really want to get in it for the lyrics, we came up with a new plan." Julie smiled before pulling the box out from behind her back and handing it to him.

Luke looked confused at first, but his eyes widened as it got closer.

They had made another box, and this was covered in clippings of old records and CD Jackets. A Sunset Curve one was even on there, but what caught his eye the most was the picture on top.

"I realized that we needed a separate dream box. This is for all of our lyrics and random ideas. That way when either of us come up with lyrics we can put them in here, where we are both free to access them. Your journal is still private and my dream box is still private, but this is a shared space. So instead of me putting lyrics only in my off limits dream box, I can put them in here and you can know you can look at them and you can put yours in here if you are good with sharing them."

"Jules! This is amazing!! Group hug guys! I really appreciate it! I can see you hand in the decorating here Reggie." 

They all piled into a group hug.

Later Luke and Julie were left alone,

"Another thing with the dream box, we don't just have to put lyrics or song notes in there. You can also put dreams, or just things we want each other to know in there. It's a safe shared space." Julie told him. Opening the box to show a series of papers already in there since Julie had transferred some from her personal box to the shared one as that was where those truly belonged.

"Julie, this really means a lot to me. I love the decoration on it too. You know we are going to fill that up so fast though right?"

"Yea, that's why there is a giant box in the loft for when we clear it out, but still get to keep everything in it."

"Always thinking ahead."

They sat on the couch writing more songs and random series of notes, adding some to the box when it didn't fit what they were doing, but were still really good.

A few days later Reggie walked in with a small box covered in western decor and set it down next to Luke and Julie's box, or the JukeBox as it had been being referred to as.

"Since you guys have the Jukebox, you know where all of you guys' music comes from, I realized I wanted one too, but for my country songs. So Ray helped me make this one. Feel free to look in it anytime you want." Reggie said proudly, still so excited that Ray had helped him make it instead of just telling him to go away like his dad would have or just be too scared to go into the room because his parents were arguing again, " I already put "Home is Where my Horse is" in there. It really is a gift to music. I think is should join the Jukebox, but I can understand it having to stay in this wonderfully decorated box. Just try and circle back to it." 


Ok guys, I hope you enjoyed, I know I've had the last few be a little short, but I'm running low on ideas. There will be a Halloween special though, but it may be a day late... not sure yet. So please leave suggestions!!! I except everything from the most bare basic prompt to the most detailed extravagant idea. Juke is my specialty, but I will happily do others, (except juliexnick...) just leave me ideas I don't really know what to do for some of them!

Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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