"Happy birthday, Sappy Nappy."

Depuis le début

As Sapnap was about to respond, Tommy whispered to him in the Minecraft chat, "If Tubbo wasn't here, that wouldn't have happened."

George laughed at Tommy's message, rolling his eyes. Soon, Sapnap's mom knocked on the door telling them they should get ready for dinner. George and Dream went to the guest room to change. When they finished getting dressed, they just stood together in the middle of the room. George ran his hand up and down Dream's arms.

"I really like this shirt on you," George leaned in to kiss Dream's cheek. Dream smirked at George, "You like every shirt on me, sweetheart."

George whispered in Dream's ear, "I like you better without any shirt on, though." Dream's mouth fell open, he looked behind to make sure Sapnap wasn't standing in the doorway like he always seemed to be, "You can't just say things you don't mean whenever they come to your mind."

"Who said that I don't mean it, Clay?"

Dream's eyes widened, "Me. And you're not allowed to mean it until we're back in Florida. This is not the time or place, okay?" George winked, "Aye aye, Captain." They both laughed before lightly leaning in to kiss each other.

"So, what do you think Elodie is going to be like?" Dream asked while they sat on the bed. George shrugged his shoulders, "She has to be a little crazy if she likes Sapnap."

"What the hell?" Sapnap said from the door, "You guys are talking so much shit, and it's literally my birthday."

"Oh, no. Don't cry, you're so sexy haha. Haha, you're so sexy, don't cry," Dream stuck his lower lip out. Sapnap rolled his eyes before starting to laugh, "Since you're curious, would you like to know more about her?" George nodded lightly.

"Her name is Elodie Summers, she's 20. Uh- she is so smart. Not like, 'oh she's got good grades' smart. She's 'fluent in three languages' smart. She's a comp sci major, like me, and can code in any language," Sapnap was just rambling on about his girlfriend.

Dream smiled lightly, "Do you love her?" Sapnap took a minute, formulating a response, "It's a little early for that, don't you think?" George looked at Sapnap before shaking his head.

"I mean, Dream and I haven't been together as long as you two have, and there's nobody I love more."

Sapnap shook his head, "You guys are different than other couples. I met Elodie less than a year ago, and whether you knew it or not, you've been having these feelings for years. But, I've never felt like this for anyone."

Dream smiled at Sapnap, "Young Sappy Nappy is in love. Let's go, Snapmap." Dream wrapped his arms around Sapnap. George joining soon after, "Sapnap is no longer a teenager, he has big boy feelings."

"Yeah, especially hate. For you two."

Suddenly a knock was heard in the other room, Sapnap quickly turned to his friends, "Use my name as little as possible, please." They nodded at their nervous friend. They watched as Sapnap's face brightened at the sight of her. "Hey, Odie. You look beautiful tonight." She smiled before leaning in to kiss him.

"Happy birthday, handsome. How's your day been?" Sapnap kissed her cheek, "It's been good. Just been hanging out with the boys."

Sapnap grabbed Elodie's hand and brought her over to his friend's. "Elodie, this is George and Clay." She held her free hand out to the boys, "It's nice to meet you."

"Kids, it's time to go." They all nodded and made their way to Sapnap's mom's car. Sapnap sat in the front with his mom while his friends and girlfriend sat in the back. Sapnap was listening to the music on the radio while George and Elodie made small talk. "So, tell me more about you guys. How old are you two? What are your majors? How long have you two been dating?"

Can't Stop Thinking of You (DreamNotFound)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant