Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Hello! I'm Dr. Jeffries! How are you doing Miss Samantha?" He asked with a smile, pulling out his clip board, and clicking his pen open.

"I am a little sore.. But I ma doing okay!" I said trying to grin through the pain.

The truth is I am hurting like hell, every time I breathe in it hurts, let alone talk. But that's part of surgery. I am not going to carry on like a puss or let anyone know I am hurting this bad.

I hate hospitals, and I just want tog et out of here, get better, and go back to my normal life.

"You are a warrior.." The doctor said as he was writing something on the clipboard.

"What do you mean?" I asked getting confused

"Well, before eI start I would like to ask Mr. Caniff to step out so we can have a few words, if that's okay?" He said glancing over at Taylor.

"No, Taylor is fine.. He can stay here. He his always by my side, and I am always by his." I said rubbing Taylor's hand as Tay sighed in relief once I said this.

"Okay, Well as I was saying, You sure a warrior. You died on our table. You were under for over 4 minutes. We kept trying to revive you, and here you are! Alive, not in a ton of pain, breathing, drinking, talking, sitting up, have conversation." He said with a smile

I looked over at Taylor and he had tears running down his cheeks as he quickly whipped them away.

"Wow.." I said in disbelief, looking around the room not knowing what to say.

Yes, wow. Any who, If you feel like it, I want to keep an eye on your incision through out the week, but IF you can eat, keep it down, shower, and you aren't in a bad amount of pain, I will let you go home tonight after dinner time." He continued to write things down

"That sounds great!" I said excited to get out of here

"Oh.. One more thing. This stays in the room Miss Samantha.. I could get fired for this." He said with wide eyes

"sure.. Of course.." I trailed off and felt Taylor's hand tighten onto of mine.

"Do you remember what you said as we were rushing you into the surgery room?" He asked looking above the line of his glasses.

"No...?" I asked started to get scared by how her was acting

He took in a deep breath, sighed, and put his clip board down, and started to talk

"Well.. As we were running through the halls, you pulled me down to whisper in my ear you told me you wanted to sign a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate: When your heart rate stops, you don't want us bringing you back to life, you are agree for us to just let you die, and not try to save you if your heart rate would drop...) Since you only told me, and you passed out right after you told me that, I ignored it. I am sorry.." He said putting his head down.

As soon as he said that I remember it slightly. I can't believe he just said that, no. Please no.

"No.. Thank you for ignoring that... I-I mean I d-don't know why I-I would say something like that?" I stuttered out getting nervous of what Taylor is going to do

"Well, I am glad everything is looking good, and if we can accomplish everything today, you may go home this even but one more thing..." He paused

" No sexual movements, no sudden movements, no lifting anything over 10 pounds, you need to take it easy!" The doctor continued to finish

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