Ch. 78: He can never know

Start from the beginning

Phoenix cracked a smile at the thought of Horse and Gareth texting cutesy messages to each other. Whenever Gareth got in on the joke balls would be nailed to his office walls. Phoenix's included.

"He'll be livid when you tell him that you've not been to Italy, but for now the beast is slumbering."
"No." Her little cry sounded desperate. "He can never know."
"What? We've done this to help you while you recovered, but you need to tell Gareth and we'll all help to get the guy who did that to you."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "You don't understand. It's more complicated than that."
"We'll need a bit more information than that. If you want us to stay quiet about this, we need to know why."
"You can't help me," Mackenzie mumbled.
"Let me be the judge of that."

It had been some rough days for all of them.

Though she did not have any violent episodes or seemed uneasy other than what was naturally expected with the healing her body and mind needed, they had all been on edge and had barely gotten any rest since they had brought her to Phoenix's apartment.

They were all affected, maybe Phoenix more than the others because he knew what she had gone through in greater detail than the others. Even though she had not texted him for help, he had been thrown into it and he had been the one she had clung to.

It had begun for him from the moment he had seen her there on the ground in Jace's arms. When he had lifted her to carry her to the car, he had talked to her non-stop until she had opened her eyes. Fear had been her first expression until she had seen him and heard his voice, then she had sunk into a passive state.

On the drive to his apartment she had been awake and staring into space and he had held her, comforting her. The drive had been silent. Not the same eerie silence like on the drive to find Mackenzie. They were relieved they had found her, her condition on the other had had them in worried silence.

Vasili had been driving and Jace had desperately tried to get in touch with Gerson. Gerson might be one of Gareth's doctors, he already knew Mackenzie, and he knew if Gareth were to find out she was hurt, dead bodies would pave the city streets.

They needed Mackenzie taken care of and be well enough to calm Gareth when he was told.

Only she could.

At Phoenix's place they had gotten her inside through the basement parking lot and up the emergency stairs. It would have been too risky carrying her through the main entrance at street level.

Later when Gerson finally had arrived, Phoenix had helped Gerson examine and bathe her. They had cleansed her wounds to prevent infection. Gerson had been particularly upset when examining her body and told Phoenix that he suspected it was not the first time she had gone through something like that, he had not elaborated on why he had said that.

Phoenix had not really paid much attention to it; he did not want to think about what had been done to her. The welts from whatever whip had been used had been brutal. At the back of his mind he thought not many would have been able to survive that and be mentally intact.

Worst of all, maybe she was not mentally intact, he had had his doubts.

She had been awake for most of it, but she was completely withdrawn in an almost catatonic state. She had been looking at them observing everything they did, but never made actual eye contact. For some reason she had not been alarmed with him or Gerson but had stirred a little until Jace and Vasili had left the room.

Phoenix had wondered about it and asked Gerson who had very gently explained that it could be because Phoenix was gay.

Apparently, everybody knew.

Phoenix was not a sexual threat and Gerson was a doctor she already trusted. It might have been irrational of her to not trust Jace and Vasili, she had texted them for help after all, it was ok, she did not have to defend her behavior in any way.

None of them held it against her.

They were just happy she was regaining some semblance of the woman she had been. They had spent hours discussing what to do, trying to piece together what they knew, which regrettably was not a whole lot and left them unable to do anything until Mackenzie opened up.

Gerson had informed them all after, that she would begin to bleed but they should not be too alarmed, he had given her something to push her period to avoid the chance of pregnancy.

In the midst of everything it had been hilarious to see Vasili's face when he had been told to go get sanitary pads and some vaginal suppositories Gerson had prescribed.

That had been the only time they had laughed in the 4 days.

Gerson had taken blood samples and rushed off to get them processed. They had shown no signs of poison or drugs, which they had all been relieved with.

It had been unsettling for them all waiting for her to recover enough for her to be ok to talk. If she was willing. That was still the question.

Jace had made breakfast, Cracker had brough fresh supplies when he had gotten there earlier. They had all pretty much camped out at Phoenix's place, taking turns to do special appearances with Gareth to not cause suspicion.

Phoenix had excused himself with a cold.

Lamest excuse ever.

Phoenix rarely lied to anybody and never to Gareth, which was probably why he had gotten away with it. Gareth had not questioned him and only wished him a speedy recovery.

"Tell me everything, Mackenzie. I'm just listening and maybe asking a few questions. I'm not judging."

Though he did feel a little guilty he did not mention to her that the baby monitor they had placed on her nightstand was on and Jace, Vasili and Cracker were listening in on their conversation from the living room, he urged her to talk. It had been a precaution to hear her if anything happened.

Now it had become their way of getting the same information at once without anything getting lost in translation if Phoenix had to tell them after his conversation with Mackenzie.

"Like I told you in Truth or Dare, it began almost 20 years ago," she whispered but loud enough for Phoenix to hear her. "I got kidnapped from my home. My father's house of all places, where we both thought I'd be safe at all times."

She sighed and shook her head at the memories flooding her. They overwhelmed her with their intensity. It had taken her years to bury those first times in her mind and find some acceptance of her life.

"And before you ask me, I don't know who he is. The people around him call him Mr. King or just King. Me..." Mackenzie wrapped her arms tightly around herself. "I have to call him Master."

Not caring it was his spare guest room and that Mackenzie had to sleep in there, Phoenix lit a cigarette. He had to do something with his hands to ease himself.

"How many times over the last 20 years?" Phoenix knew he probably should not interrupt her, still it was something they all needed to know.

Mackenzie turned to face him, she pushed the duvet down with a little wince at the movement and lifted up the t-shirt Phoenix had dressed her in. She pointed at the circular burn scars down both her sides. "35 times. Actually it's 36, but I had the first burn scar removed cosmetically. I paid dearly for doing that."

So, that was what Gerson had suspected. Smart man, it was sad he had been right.

Hi y'all.

Thank you for reading.

Mackenzie is finally telling her story. Will she ask for help or still keep secrets and be afraid? Did the guys do right with not telling Gareth? What do you think?

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Love Alix

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