1 Week Later

480 20 18

??: Brother...someone is at the door.

I looked up from my phone. Next to the door was my brother, Papyrus. His scarf was billowing in the non-existent wind. His head floated above the doorknob, his hands against the door. I pulled my hood further over my head, and grabbed my knife. Something didn't feel right. I walked over to the door and opened it.

Outside the door was a figure shrouded in robes. The ferryman? No, I killed them a long time ago. This was someone else. I could tell. They were about my height, but I couldn't see much else. Suddenly, I heard a voice from within the robes.

? : I was told you could help me.

The voice sounded like Classic, but a bit less deep of a voice. I gripped my knife tighter.

Dust: Who are you? What is your business here?

The figure just stood there.

Papyrus: I think he means us harm, brother. Kill him.

Dust: Answer me, or I'll do what Paps says.

The figure reached up for their hood. Their hands were revealed from beneath the folds of their robes.

They were skeletal.

I leapt at the intruder, and tackled them to the ground. Their hood fell away, revealing a Sans. His left eye-light was blue, but his right eyesocket was empty. His face flickered from white to black for a couple of seconds. But he wasn't looking at me, no he was looking behind me.
At Paps.

His gaze slowly shifted from behind me at Paps, to something further in the distance. I turned around, and saw a splash of color disappear behind a tree. I grinned an insane, wide smile. I picked up the Sans underneath me, and shouted across the street.

Dust: Is this your newest puppet, Ink? Have you sent him here to learn the location of Nightmare's castle? Of Error? Well it won't work, just leave now.

I felt the Sans wriggle in my grip. I payed him no mind. That is, until he wriggled one hand free from my grip and dug his fingers into my arm. It felt like a million needles were carefully picking through my brain, searching.

Then it just stopped. As suddenly as it has begun. I looked back at the Sans, and saw his robes fall away.

He was the same height as Classic, and wore the same shorts. That was about all they had in common in looks. The skeleton wore a purple
t-shirt, with a black jacket tied around his waist. His slippers were a dark blue, same as his left eye. He had wireless headphones around his neck, and I could faintly hear music coming from them. He looked at me, and smiled.

??: Thank you. You helped me find what I needed.

I just started at him.

Dust: Who are you? What do you want?

The figure just kept smiling a small smile.

??: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again. As for who I am...

He seemed to think for a moment. Then he focused on me.

??: Call me Order.

A portal opened behind him, leading to a random AU. The portal was bordered with dark blue, darker than Classic Sans's magic. He . . . Order . . . stepped inside, and the portal closed. The town of Snowdin was once again silent except for the sound of wind.

(Order, Nightmare's Castle)

I stood outside of a black castle, sounds of arguing coming from within. I activated my magic, and teleported in. I found myself in a large chamber, with chains dotted around the room. I facepalmed.

Order: *Thoughts* Way to go, Order. You teleported into the dungeon.

I looked around for stairs. I saw them right next to me. I facepalmed again. Stars, I'm an idiot.

I started to climb the stairs, my footsteps echoing louder than I wanted. The voices stopped, and so I stopped. I heard a weird sound behind me, but I ignored it. I continued on, not hearing anything else. My footsteps filled my ears, and I kept walking. Then I felt it.

There was something behind me, something bad. I kept going, feigning ignorance. Whatever was behind me seemed to buy it, because it kept going. I was scared. My headphones played a slow, deep version of Megalovania.

The thing behind me seemed to pause for a moment. Was it confused? Was the music familiar to it? I took my chance.

I quickly turned around and summoned my blaster. It was white, and sometimes flickered to black, like me. It's eyes mirrored mine, and it's mouth filled with dark blue magic energy.

The thing behind me smacked it away with some kind of tentacle. It was black, and goopey. It looked like a Sans, but covered in black goop. It had black, goopey tentacles coming out of its back. I took one look at him, and couldn't resist.

Order: Don't kill me, Goop Daddy (You're welcome, wassup_ppls).

He made a stunned choking noise, and I heard laughing behind me.

???: Goop Daddy, that's great. Why did I never think of that?

I turned around and saw a Sans with black goop coming out of his eyes, and a target floating in front of his chest. His shorts were like mine, but the colors were inverted. He wouldn't stop laughing.

Order: It wasn't even my idea, it was wassup_ppls.

The Sans seemed confused.

???: Who?

I just waved him off.

Order: Doesn't matter. Hey, so you know where I can find someone named Error?

The Sans stopped laughing.

???: Who wants to know?

I held out my hand.

Order: My name's Order. Fate sent me.

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