take me home - hank/connor [nsfw]

Start from the beginning

"What about..." Connor started, hands tugging his hair a little as he spoke. "Good boy?"

"Fuck," Hank swore, face flushing as his body betrayed him. Connor's LED went to yellow for another moment and Hank realized that Connor was watching him attentively, eyes scanning and likely picking up every single way Hank reacted to the things he said. And that... that type of care wasn't something Hank was used to, but he definitely liked it.

"Mm," Connor hummed, eyes looking Hank up and down before he pulled Hank even closer to kiss him. Hank gasped when he felt Connor's cock half-hard against his thigh and Connor took advantage of this, slipping his tongue past open lips. Hank took a second to wonder how the fuck they even got in this position, how this was even happening, but was brought back into reality by Connor pulling him back and– Oh. Connor was grinding against his thigh, definitely fully hard and /oh/. He was big.

"Con," Hank gasped against his lips and Connor gave him a bit to breathe, instead deciding to kiss, suck and bite at the flushed skin of his neck. "Bedroom, please?"

"Mm, of course, Hank," Connor agreed, and then he picked Hank up as though he weighed nothing at all and carried him to Hank's bedroom. Hank thought about their sleeping arrangements– which was Hank in his bed, Connor on the couch, or in Hank's bed on days in which he'd silently walk in and get in with Hank. The first time Connor had asked, Hank thought he was fucking crazy, but then he just assumed Connor was lonely, so he let the android hold him on occasion. He never said it, but Connor knew he liked it too.

This wasn't too different, though Hank had never sat on Connor's lap like this, and he definitely never felt the outline of Connor's cock against his pants.

Connor sat on the edge of the bed and looked Hank up and down.

"Clothes," Connor muttered, and Hank blinked before realizing that Connor wanted him to remove his clothes. Hank bit back a protest; he knew he wanted this and didn't want to express otherwise, even if his insecurity made him hesitant. Connor followed every movement with dark eyes, simulated breathing heavy and pants tented significantly. Connor must have realized he ought to take off some damn clothes, too, but the only things to go were the slacks and boxers he wore before continuing to watch Hank undress.

"You're so pretty," Connor whispered when Hank was finished, and Hank realized that he'd never heard those words before. Not directed at him. Hank felt extremely vulnerable like this even despite Connor's compliment. He gave a shy smile that Connor reciprocated, patting his thighs invitingly. Hank exhaled and positioned himself on Connor's lap, wrapping his legs around his thin frame.

"There you go," Connor mumbled and Hank relaxed at that same soothing tone. Hank felt Connor's cock through the fabric of the shirt and Hank realized he hadn't imagined Connor's size in the living room.

"Come here," Connor ordered, though his voice wasn't too far off from the soothing tone he'd been using. Hank realized after he'd blinked dumbly that Connor wanted a kiss. Right. He'd somehow forgotten that Connor actually wanted him. He came forward and met Connor halfway, and his lips weren't human, but Hank found it intoxicating in its own foreign way.

"Good boy," Connor said when Hank moved back to breathe. The damned android was smirking at him again, his LED burning pink, and Hank startled when he felt Connor's hands on his sides.

"Con, nnh..." Hank moaned, feeling dizzy as stark white hands roamed his body.

"My saliva doubles as a lubricant," Connor said, and Hank snapped his head up at him. He couldn't manage to hold back a laugh.

"What?" Hank was still trying not to go into an entire laughing fit. "Uh, Connor, we gotta work on your dirty talk."

"I thought it would be useful information," Connor sounded defensive, and it almost made Hank laugh more, but now he was starting to feel bad.

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