The worst day ever

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Dear diary,


"Betrayal - when someone you trust violates that trust by doing something that hurts you or injures you physically or psychologically."

Betrayal and lies have always been a ramped theme over my life. The two guiding most of the life-changing things that have happened to me in one way or another.

Being turned into a vampire by my father, the woman I called mother killing my sister, the love of my life hunting me down trying to kill me for years, etc. etc.

In my opinion, betraying someone who loves you is the absolute worst thing you could do to a person. Breaking the trust that someone has given you is the most dishonorable thing you can do in life.

In full transparency, I am not completely innocent of this crime. In fact, I am far from it. Particularly after the events of last night. Maybe I deserve all the betrayal that has seemingly pledged my life for centuries.


The first thing I notice is the pain. A heavy pounding in my head like a herd of stampeding elephants hitting the Earth. Next came a warmness on my chick, comforting at first then everything but, as I remember the intense headache that had me begging for something cool to south it.

What I believe is grass, dry and scratchy on my skin, poked at me through my clothes. I bend my fingers, ranking at the ground to verify my thought that I am outside as a bright ray of sunshine attacks my now open eyes.

"It's about time you've woken up." a man's voice sounds nearby.

Opening my eyes fully I realize the man is Elijah as last night's events rush back into my head.

"What happened? why am I still here?"

He comes over to me and reaches a hand down to help me stand to my feet. "After you abandoned our plan your friends weren't too happy with you. Especially that Damon fellow, so they left you here."

I brush the dirt and dried grass from my body as I remember the goal of the previous night." Did you kill him?"

Elijah looks at me but says nothing.

"You did?" I ask him hoping he did and that everything that happened last night was worth it.

He looks to the grand and puts his hands into his pockets. "Niklaus told me he would give us back our family if I let him live."

My jaw drops as I realize the ancestors were right. We couldn't do it.


He said nothing, probably knowing I was about to start yelling.

"So you just let him go!"

"Yes! Under the condition that he returns are siblings."

"I can't believe you, after all we did, all that work trying to take him down! You let our greatest enemy go to take a bet on the words of a liar and betrayer!

"Don't you miss our sibling!" he steps closer.

"Of course I do but there gone Elijah okay! Niklaus, the man you let go, made sure of that a long time ago all because they didn't want to answer to his every word!"

"He has promised me our family and..."

"He's lying to you, Elijah!" I yell trying to get through to him. "And you're a fool for believing him."

"You used to believe in him too. You used to believe in me! Clarissa, what happened?"

"I woke up Elijah! And when I did I saw him for what he really is. I saw all of us for what we really are and it scared the hell out of me! You know what Elijah you need to wake up to. Because maybe I do live afraid, but I rather be afraid than live a lie. And if you don't start being afraid you're going to end up daggered or worse, dead!"

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