Hide and Seek

147 4 3

Dear diary,


"Family - A basic unit in society bound by blood, genetics, or marriage."

By the definition, I have not had a family since I was one day old. Both of my parents were killed and I was raised by a stranger, one of which none of the above mentioned applied to. By the time I went to live with Esther and Mikael, the people I called mother and father, I knew that I was too afraid to admit the truth to myself.

That I was alone in the world, that I don't have a family and never will. At least then I had Tatia, but now, I am truly alone.

Honestly, I'm still afraid to admit the truth. I will never be like the rest of them. I can call myself a Mikaelson all I want, I can live with them, I can wear their family crest, but none of that changes the fact that we do not share blood. None of that will make them truly see me as one of them. None of that will change the fact that I am alone and will always and forever be alone.

And when one is alone for an extended period, they start to lose their mind. So here I am today, officially, certifiably, insane, so I don't think it's fair to hold me accountable for what I'm doing at the moment.

If this were taken to a court of law, anyone could see that I'm off my rockers because no sane person, immortal or otherwise, would be sitting in this odd little bar, in this incredibly dangerous city all alone. I should have just stayed in Mystic Falls. Why the bloody hell did I think it would be a smart idea to come here.

Personally, I blame Ric. It's his job as my best friend to talk me down from making dumb decisions like this. But unfortunately, the arrival of white oak stakes in Mystic Falls has thrown us on opposite sides of an unboring war.

And due to his lack of loyal diligence in our friendship, I have ended up here, on some pointless wide guess chase based on the made up idea of finding my family.


I close the pages of the book and slip it back into my bag as I take a sip of my crappy cup of coffee. Don't know what I was expecting, hole in the wall bars aren't exactly known for the best coffee.

The bell on the entrance of the bar goes off as a man walks in. Hopefully, it's the person I'm meant to be meeting with.

"Hey, welcome to Rousseau's," the same redhead that served me my coffee calls out to the man. He completely ignores her, he doesn't even look her way, instead simply walks over to my table in the back, just out of sight from the rest of the establishment. 

"I take it you're here to deliver a message from Roselle," I say, tucking my locket with the Mikaelson crest into my shirt.

The man nods as he takes a set across from me with his back towards the cowed. Then reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out an envelope with a bright red seal. "Before I hand this over to you, my superiors have directed me to ask. What the hell do you need this for?"

I tilt my head to the side and chuckle. leaning forward and resting forearms on the table. "Do you know what's in that envelope?"

"No ma'am," the man smiles a threatening smile.

"Hmm, well, you can tell your superiors that it's none of their goddamn business what I need this for."

I use my magic to make the man's ears bleed as I say the words. He jumps and lifts his free hand to his ear feeling the blood. His face contorts as the pain registers. "I know Roselle thinks she's a big bad witch now, being the highest-ranking elder in the French quarter coven and all, but I think it best you remind her who is really in charge here."

Forever Family (Klaus Mikaelson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz