chapter 7 (the babysitters?)

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(star's POV)

It's been a week since ink and error came and I was sleeping in my bed before feeling something on my face. "Go away" I mumbled and tried to wave whatever was on my face off. "Is that how to treat a friend?" A glitchy voice spoke. I opened my eyes and saw error and squeaked at him before jumping off the bed I was in and hugged him. "Ewwor!" I called and giggled before looking at him, he chuckled and looked around. "Where's your bros at?" He asked and I whined. "Blue is training, sans is trying to date Miss toriel! And red is at the store and hasn't come back and horror...I don't know" I said and pouted.

(Error's POV)
She pouted and I snickered. "Ok wanna come to work with me?" I asked and she nodded and I chuckled and put her on my shoulders and she held onto my skull as I walked through a portal.

After I walked into nightmare's castle I started to hum and star joined me before someone took star and growled at me. "HEY-" I whimpered seeing horror. "What the hell!" He growled. "Why is my sister here error!" He yelled and I smirked. "She wanted to visit you, she was lonely" I stated. Star whined. "No one was at home and ewwor said I could go to work with him!" She said before reaching for me.

(Horror's POV)

I held star closer and growled. "if he finds out a human is here he's gonna-!" "I'm gonna what?" Nightmare asked from behind me and I yelped holding star to my chest more and growled. "You will not hurt her!" I growled even though if I had a tail it would be in between my legs. "Oh hush your scaring the poor soul in your arms, horror the big brother of star the human" he said and I whined not wanting star to get hurt before she pushed on my chest.

(Star's POV)
I wanted space and when I accidentally slipped out of Horror's grip and landed in front of a very tall goopy Skelly(fav goopy Skelly other then shattered dream). "Hewwo!" I smiled at him and he gave me a look and putty and a small cyan blush. "Hello, star would you like to go play with the others while I talked to your brother?" He asked and I nodded running past error as he yelped and chased after me.

(NM's POV)
I smiled and chuckled alittle and looked at horror "and you said you only had your brother papyrus? Well I guess lying gets you no where before trouble so tell me how you got her?" I demanded before looking at horror and he looked like he was about to shit a brick out of fear. (Good laugh won't hurt.)

(Error's POV)
For a small child she can run. "You got to catch m-!?" She said before killer picked her up and I got ready to kick his ass but stopped. "OH MY GOSH, YOUR SO ADORABLE!!" He yelled and hugged star and purred. "Damn didn't know you were a softy" I chuckled before walking into my strings and hung upside down and started to knit. "I'm not but if she's gonna die might as well make it fun" he said as a insane smile was on his face. "KILLER IF YOU HURT THEM HORROR AND I WILL RIP YOU APART!!" I yelled at him "YOU BETTER NOT LAY A SCRATCH ON HER KILLER!!" and he flinched. "Okay, okay, it was a joke geez" he huffed before tickling star making her laugh.

-time skip 2 hours later after meeting everyone-

(Star's POV)

I giggled as everyone was playing hide and seek with me I was trying to find cross. "Cwossy!" I called and I walked around before hearing a snicker, I looked behind a door and found dust. "Dusty!" I called and hugged him.

After looking around again dust tried to help me. "Papy said one of them are behind the couch" he smiled and I run to the couch to Yelp as I was tackle hugged. "Killer that's hurt alittle" I whined.

(Third person POV)

Killer chuckled and nodded before apologizing and looked around with dust and found error and horror, now nightmare and cross were the only ones.

After what felt like days to star they didn't find nightmare and cross was found and the guys were sleeping on the floor in a pile. "Come on star you been looking for boss for six hours!" Horror whined. Star was hopeful and determined to find nightmare but after four more hours star gave up and started to sniffle and cry softly until she felt something gently wrapping around her waist and pick her up.

(Star's POV)
I hiccuped before feeling something o nmy waist. "Shhh, shh, you did great star you tried very hard and you did a fine damn good job" nightmare spoke in a vary gently tone and when I opened my eyes I saw nightmare holding me close to him. "Come on let's get to the others so you can go home and sleep" he purred and started to walk.


Thanks to thatonewolf23 who helped me and get rid of my writer's block I can now make stories so go check them out and maybe you will get more followers in a week

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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