Chapter twenty four

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Prewarning: this chapter contains some very explicit abuse scenes.
Consider yourselves warned.

Skyler's notebook:

I had a nightmare yesterday.
It was of the first time Jerry brought his friends over.

It was about three weeks after I lost my virginity to him and I'd been walking around on eggshells, terrified of his very move.

He on the other hand, was way more upbeat than usual, he was smiling, even singing from time to time.

I was sitting on the couch, trying to be as quiet as possible, in order for Jerry not to bother me, when he jerked his head towards the table.

"Lay it," he ordered.
I stood up hastilly, holding my breath as I passed him.

"Six people," he said.
I nodded, not daring to ask him who the extra four people were and he glared at me.
"Y- yes daddy," I quickly corrected myself, keeping my head low as possible, collecting the cutlery.

"You will be on your best behaviour when my friends are here," he said gruffly, "no eating, understood?" This time I caught myself immediately after I nodded.
"Yes daddy." I repeated, laying the table quietly.

When I was done I moved over to the side for him to inspect my work.
"This spoon is dirty," he said, holding it out for me to take.
"I'm sorry daddy." I apologised taking it from him, "I will go and get another one."

"That you will." He said, "and then go change into a dress."
"Yes daddy." I said wearily.

His friends arrive and I greet all of them politely.
I have never met any of them and they all ask me a lot of rude questions.

I answer them politely, under the watchful eye of Jerry and we sit down to dinner.

Since then I have grown used to the dinners surrounded by Jerry's friends, but the first time was pure torture. Being laughed at and touched all over by five men, I was at the brink of losing it when one of them suggested they go out and play golf.

Jerry nods for me to follow them out after I tidy, and I do.
I watch them play from the sidelines and one of his friends comes to stand near me.

He was quieter than the rest and the only one who hadn't touched me in any way.

He smiled at me and I grimaced in return.
"That bad here?" He asked me and I stared at him, before trustingly saying.
"I hate it."
He clucks his tounge sympathetically.

"Come inside, we can talk better there," he tells me.
I look at Jerry, nervous and his friend yellef across the yard to him.
"Jer- I'm gonna talk to her inside!"
"Go ahead," Jerry called back and we walked inside.

"Thank you-" I started to say once we are inside.
His expression suddenly changes from the sympathetic, understanding look, to a gaze of pure loathing.

He grabs my arm forcibly, and I whimper, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

He slaps me hard across the cheek and tears come to my eyes from the stinging pain and the shock.

"Don't you fucking dare try to struggle!" He growls, dragging me up the stairs.
My heart constricts in terror as he shoves me into the spare bedroom and pins me down.

"When?!" He yells, "when will you fucking women stop complaining and whining and fucking accept what you are here for!!??"

I shake under his grasp, terrified of what's to come and he slaps me again, so hard that all I see is black for the next few minutes.

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