Chapter five

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Liam's POV:

I crawl into the pullout bed, and watching Harry struggle to drag Zayn out of his bed, I'm pleased I didn't choose to sleep on the double.

He soon gives up and angrily goes to sleep in Zayn's bed.
I whisper goodnight, and it doesn't take more than five minutes for me to hear his gentle snoring from the next room.

I sigh and toss restlessly, running fingers through my hair. I honestly am trying to push it out of my mind, but I can't stop thinking about her. I keep seeing her eyes staring at me.

I shift uncomfortably and then switch on my phone, knowing that I won't be able to sleep for a while anyhow.

I scroll through my camera roll and watch some videos I took on stage, grinning as I watch Harry grab the phone and video himself and Louis being complete idiots for three minutes straight, before they turn the camera to the audience.

I look at each girls face, but all I see is her eyes staring back at me, Begging me, pleading to be saved.
I ball my fists in annoyance and switch off my phone.

I reach for my notebook on the bedside table and flip through it, reading the songs I have written.

Most of these have been changed a little and then used on our album.
I write the beginning of a new song:

Whenever I close my eyes I picture you there,
Im looking out at the crowd, you're everywhere,
I'm watching you from the stage, yeah,
You're eyes are on every face, now,
But every time you wake up, you're hearing me say, goodbye,

Baby, you don't have to worry, I'll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you,
Lately, I've been going crazy,
So I'm coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you.

I think of the girl, with her dark hair and huge scared eyes as I hum the song and it soothes me.

I remember what Niall said earlier and relax. She's not going anywhere, I will find a way to help her. I slowly drift off, holding my notebook.

When I awake, I see Niall's bed is empty. Surprisingly because, after Zayn of course, Niall is the hardest one to awake, then I remind myself that today is the hotel's special breakfast and grin, of course Nialler would get up for that.

I have a quick shower and walk out of the bathroom brushing my teeth. Harry is rummaging through his suitcase, bare chested.

"Mornin" I say, rinsing my mouth.
"Have you seen my red hollister hoodie?" He asks in reply. I shake my head just as he spots it hanging behind the door.

We head out together, him pulling the hoodie on as we leave, and I immediately notice the door to the fire escape is open again.
"C'mere Harry," I say pulling him with me.

My heart skips a beat when I see her.
It is snowing heavily, her dark hair is covered in white.

For a moment I think the white around her body is snow and I gasp, but then I realise, with a pang, that this time, she is wrapped in nothing but a towel.

Her toes curl in the snow and she shivers, poor thing.

"What are you doing out here in the snow?" Harry asks her bluntly. She jumps at the sound of his loud voice and I glare at him.

She turns to face us, hands clutching the towel tightly round her body. Her lips are white and her eyes bluer than ever.

"I- I got locked out of my room," she whispers, "and my dad is sleeping so I didn't want to knock on the door and wake him." She trails off aimlessly and looks to the ground.

Harry ignores the fact that she is obviously is lying and says, "that still doesn't explain why you are outside."

She shrugs, "I wanted some fresh air," she says unconvincingly.
Harry scoffs and she shrinks, if possible, even more into the corner.

"Hey," Harry says, expression softening, "we want to help you."

"I- I don't need help," she whispers, but I see tears at the corner of her eyes, threatening to fall.

I reach out to touch her shoulder but she flinches as if she'd been shot.

"I'm sorry," I say hastilly, backing away.
"We want to help you," Harry repeats again, softly.

"I told you," she says voice raising, "I don't need help!"

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