Chapter 22

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{ Roxanne Pov. } 

I walked out of the library and smiled to myself . That bitch ruined one of my relationships . He won't ruin the second one . 

Just as I was about to turn the corner I bumped into somebody . We both fell to the floor and I looked at who it was . And Shit ! It was Pansy . I hope I don't have any blood on me . 

" Pansy ? " 
" Ouch ... Roxi ? Oh sorry . I didn't look where I was going . " 
" That's okay . Come on . " 

I stood up and pulled out my hand to her which she accepted . She stood up too and hugged me . 

" What're you doing there hun ? " 
" Well , in fact I was looking for Harry . He told us that he is gonna go to the bathroom but he never came back ... " 
" Oh , that's a shame ... I hope you find him . " 
" Yeah me too . Draco is going crazy . Hone- " 

" Excuse me ? " 
I turned around and saw ... Oh fuck no ! 

{ 3rd Person's Pov. } 

" Excuse me ? " 
The girls turn around to see a hufflepuff boy with dark hair . 
" Maybe you know some- Oh ... It's you ... " 

The boy said and sighed at Roxi . 
" Um ... Do you know him ? " 
" Yeah , I do . What do you want ? " 
" Nothing , especially from you . " 
" Um ... Baby , maybe we should just walk away . " 
" Baby ? " 

The boy asked and Pansy turned around with confused look . 
" Um ... Yeah ? " 
" Oh , I see . So you are Pansy , right ?" 
" Yes ... " 
" I guess he didn't tell you yet . Heh . " 
" Who didn't tell me what ? " 
" Oh , that boy . He was from Gryffindor if I remember correctly . He said that you were friend of his . And well , she caught that bitch cheating ."
" C-cheating ..? " 

Pansy had tears in her eyes. She turned to Roxanne and back to boy . 
" What do you mean ? " 
" That slut kissed me , and your friend saw it . In fact there's a whole story behind it . Because that bitch here was my girlfriend but at the same time your girlfriend too . " 
" What ?! " 
" No Pansy honey it's not-" 

Again the girl's head turned quickly to one side and red mark formed on her cheek . 
" You fucking bitch ! How dare you ! Don't you dare talk to me ! Ever again ! " 

Pansy said and walked away . The boy just rolled her eyes at the blonde girl and went after Pansy . 
" Hey ... I am sorry about that ... I didn't mean to make you cry ... " 
" It's not your fault . But , can I ask you something ? " 
" Sure ! Anything . " 

Pansy wiped away her tears and took a deep breath to calm down .
" Okay . You said a gryffindor boy right ? Could please tell me what he looked like ? " 
" Um ... He was short , for sure and had curly dark hair . I think he had green eyes and oh ! He wore glasses !"
" That was probably Harry . " 

" Shit ! Yes you're right . His name was Harry , he said something about that . Nevermind , what about him ? " 
" Well , I thought maybe you know where he went . " 
" Oh sorry I don't . But ! I know that he was last in the library . " 
" Oh thank you ! That will help a lot . "

" But there's a problem . " 
" Huh ? " 
" He caught us in a very old part of the library in a very deep alley . I don't think you'll find it on your own ."
" Oh ... " 

" But I can help you ! " 
" Really ?! You would do that ?! " 
" Of course ! Why not ? Let's go ! By the way , my name is Chris . " 
" Cool ! " 

Chris and Pansy walked through the hallway , looking for the library . When they finally arrived it seemed like nobody was there . Chris led Pansy to an old alley . But then he stopped . 

" Why did you stopped ? " 
" Look . " 
He pointed to the floor . 
" Lumos ! " 
Said Pansy as the light came out of her wand . 
" What's this ? " 

Chris picked the thing from the floor and watched it closely . 
" Is it some kind of stick ? " 
" Not at all . I think it's ... A part of ... wand ? " 
" Wand ? " 
" Yeah look . It looks like somebody broke it into half . See that's the handle . " 
" Wait ... I recognize it . " 
" You do ? " 
" Yes ! It's Harry's ! He had that kind of handle ! " 

Automatically she got worried . 
" Oh God . I hope he is okay . Do you think that Roxanne ... Could ..." 
She couldn't finish the sentence . Chris didn't know what to say . He just gave her a sorry look and they both looked for Harry . 

{ Harry Pov. } 

[ 10 minutes after Roxanne attacked him ] 

I was laying on the floor . Not able to do a thing . It started to get cold . I couldn't stand , my wound on the stomach reopened . I just waited here for the end . 

No Harry ! Pull yourself together ! You can do it ! Just don't close your eyes . Somebody will come . 

I slowly turned my head to the side . Something shined and I looked down . My vision started to get more and more blurry . I noticed a ring on my finger and remembered Draco . 

A few tears ran down my face . 
" I'm sorry Dray ... I am so sorry ... " 
I whispered the last thing and couldn't hold any longer ... 

I just closed my eyes ... 

{ 3rd Person's Pov. } 

Chris and Pansy turned the corner but still found nothing . Then from the other side of the alley was a blink of light , like something shined . 

They both quickly runned there and stopped when they saw a boy laying on the floor . 
" Oh God ! HARRY ! " 

Pansy runned to the boy and dropped to her knees . 
" No no no no no no ! Why does it always have to be you !? Don't worry you'll be fine ! " 

Pansy looked at the injuries . Reopened wound on the stomach , two stab holes in leg , probably broken ribbons and bleeding head . She couldn't find any material so she did one thing . She tore the end of her robe and wrapped it around Harry's leg to stop the bleeding . Then she tore another piece and put it on his stomach . 

" Chris ! Will you carry him ? " 
" Of course ! " 
Chris ran up to the boy and picked him up . He was very surprised when he found out that the boy wasn't even normal weight . He felt like he was holding a pillow . 

" Quick ! " 
He nodded and they ran up to exit . They made it through the door . Pansy looked over and saw that Harry's breathing was very slow and almost unnoticeable . 

They run , Pansy crying , other students in the corridor looking at them . When they finally made it Pansy kicked the door open and ran in with Chris . 

" What's goi- Oh my dear ! Lay him down quick ! " 
Mrs. Pomfrey said and walked over to the boy .

" Someone needs to inform Draco about it . " 
Said Pansy . 
" You go , I'll stay . " 
Pansy nodded and ran out of the hospital wing . 

{ Draco Pov. } 

Ugh ! Where is he ?! He has been gone for too long ! I am really worried . 

" Hey Draco are you- " 
Luna started but someone cut her off . 
" DRACO " 

I turned around to see my friend crying . It was Pansy she runned to me . All the people in great hall staring at us . 

" What's wrong, Pans ? " 
" It's Harry ! He is in ... Hospital wing !" 

I didn't need anything more . I stormed out of the great hall and ran into the hospital wing . Oh God Harry ! Why does it always have to be you ... 

Please be okay ...

Okay okay ... I know I already posted chapter today but ... I just couldn't leave you guys without another when I have a coments asking for it ... You just guys are so sweet ! ❤

( I litearly was writting it now . In a litlle bit more then half an hour ... )

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