Goodbye, For Now ✔

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"So I'll say goodbye for now
I don't know for how long
But the time has come
That we don't get along
So goodbye for now"
Goodbye, For Now; Gabbie Hanna


From that telephone call, everything went fast. In a couple of days, Jacqueline was released from the hospital. Doctors said that the antidepressants (which Jacqueline never took) worked really well, and there is no need for her to stay in the hospital. Of course, some people raised their eyebrows about it. They have never seen someone to be in a madhouse for such a short time. But they also believed the doctors, they are the experts after all. No-one even thought about the probability that doctors could be bribed. As long as Jacqueline will stay away from them, they don't care.

Actually, one person did think that. And I am sure that you won't be surprised when I say his name. Pop quiz time, who do you think it is? Try to say it out loud first. Well? I don't hear everybody. Hey, you in the back, participate too. Alright, I will not torture you anymore. I think that everybody guessed that it is Ismaël Duclos.

He even tried to raise suspicions among people, but no-one paid attention to him. They have a lot of their own problems, and some of them even called him out for being too dramatic and annoying. Ok, someone wanted to kill him. That is definitely a traumatic event for everybody. But talking about it over and over it necessary? He would look like a hero if he overcame this traumatic even, being a role model for others by talking about it, raising awareness. But no-one likes people who are playing the victims, begging for the affection of others.

The ground is starting to shake under the golden child of Monaco. Pride really comes before a fall. Ismaël sensed that his position is slightly changing, and he decided to hide away for the moment. So he can come back to his created persona again as soon as the storm fades.

First Jacqueline's step after the release went right to her house. She was in a rush because there was a plane already waiting for her in Nice. She doesn't want to spend any other day in this for her cursed town. Being in the same place for years can be pretty depressing, it's still the same over and over again. Jacqueline never got a chance to leave Monaco, so she was pretty excited about leaving.

But also, she was sad to quit her job. It was one of the best things that ever happened to her, and she will be forever grateful for the opportunity Mrs. Leclerc gave her. She felt like a normal human being, not feeling useless for once. And she would never meet Arthur. Oh, Arthur. How is he doing? Is he thinking about her? Does he miss her? Or he already moved on? Maybe she will return one day, who knows. She probably will, but it will take some time. But will everything be the same when she comes back?

Jacqueline quickly packed her stuff because she didn't want to keep the plane waiting. She looked around the house, sighing heavily. This place is full of memories, and it's breaking her heart to leave it. Especially her winter garden, the only thing that would make her question the decision she had made. Flowers are her friends, they never let her down, they have a lot of history. They were there for her when she needed comfort, she could talk to them, let everything out. She can't just leave them after everything they have been through.

Before she had left her job, she asked Pascalle if there would be any possibility that someone took care of her flowers. Pascalle promised her to do so, Jacqueline was a great worker, and she really likes her. Even though she was surprised to see her act as she acted on the ball. But she hoped that leaving Monaco will help her in finding herself, and she will eventually come back stronger and more confident.

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