Butterflies ✔

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"I'm bracin' for impact, leave my heart intact
I wish you never came around
New situation with low expectations
You still manage to let me down."
Butterflies; Gabbie Hanna


*TW - description of an emotionally abusive relationship*


"If I told you a story, would you listen?" she cocked her head to the side and Arthur nodded. Jacqueline took a deep breath, ready to open up again, this time, hopefully, to the right person.


Once upon a time, there was a dandelion. She wasn't like other flowers, she was alone, growing far away from others. She often heard chirping and laughter from the group of flowers, wishing to be like them. She envied their happiness, she wanted to be loved too. But everybody who ever got close to her died or disappeared. Dandelion felt like a burden, so she was avoiding everyone to keep them and herself safe.

One day, a small flower started growing next to the dandelion. He was so sweet and charming, it was impossible to ignore him. There was a weird feeling inside her, something was telling her to be careful, to not trust him so blindly. This was simply too good to be true. He was always there for her, listening to her struggles, he made her feel special. And the feeling of butterflies erupting in her stomach every time he looked at her was much stronger than any weird feeling. It wasn't long till dandelion fell in love with a mysterious flower. A weak weed turned into a beautiful glowing flower. She was feeling on top of the world, she was finally happy. She had no idea that her lover is, in fact, lily-of-the-valley, a beautiful but also poisonous flower. But it didn't take long till he finally showed his true colours.

After some time, she started noticing that her relationship isn't as perfect as she thought. He knew everything about her, but she knew nothing about him. She only knew his charming side, she didn't know what's beyond the surface. Every time she asked him about something more personal, he always changed the subject of the conversation, turning the attention back to her. Maybe he just doesn't want to open up yet, she thought, and she could understand that being vulnerable it's not an easy thing. But that wasn't all. He was lying to her very ofte. Mainly it was just white lies, nothing major. But there wasn't a day he wouldn't tell at least one lie. He was telling so many lies that he started drowning in them. He told a story one day, but when he was narrating the same one the other day, a lot of things were different. And the dandelion couldn't tell which story is the real one. 

Dandelion couldn't believe him as she used to do, and the spark they had slowly started to die. But lily-of-the-valley always found a way how to get out of troubles, how to make dandelion forgive him. He had the talent to tell people what they want to hear, he knew how to win their hearts. And dandelion loved him so much that she was able to forgive him anything when he apologised and took her out, making her feel special again. She had no idea that his toxic roots were already interlocked with hers, slowly eating her alive. She was like a sunflower, blindly turning her head behind her lover. The last drop for dandelion was when she found out a love confession that wasn't for her. It was for her lover but from someone else...

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