Dandelion ✔

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"Then my fragile flower turned into a ball of grey
So I took a breath and made a wish and blew them all away."
Dandelion; Gabbie Hanna


As much as Jacqueline couldn't deny her growing feelings for certain Arthur Leclerc, she hasn't let them out yet. She doesn't want to brainlessly jump into a relationship, just like she did with Ismaël. She trusts Arthur that he wouldn't hurt her. But her heart hasn't healed properly, still needing time. Jacqueline and Arthur have been spending a lot of time together recently, and they both could feel the chemistry between them. Despite that, they decided to keep it low. It is still too early, they want to get to know each other better before possibly taking the next step.

Jacqueline decided that it's time to show Arthur her passion: flowers. Her grandmother loved gardening, she had a winter garden in her house, so Jacqueline grew up between various flowers and plants. Jacqueline still lives in her grandmother's house, spending most of the time in the garden, taking care of flowers. At first, it felt like a must for her to not disappoint her grandmother, she promised to take care of the house.

But as time went by, Jacqueline became much more interested in gardening. Flowers are her only friends, the only ones who will never leave her. They have names, personalities, they are like real human beings. She can spend hours and hours talking to them about anything. She can wear her heart on her sleevebecause she knows they would never betray her.

She took Arthur to her garden several times, introducing every single flower to him, talking about them like they are real human beings. At first, she thought that Arthur is listening to her just to make her happy. She wanted to stop bothering him with some stupid flowers, but he insisted that she should keep talking. He was genuinely interested in it because Jacqueline was. The way she was talking about her flowers, with such enthusiasm. It motivated him to start studying flowers by himself to impress her and to understand her a little bit better. And Jacqueline was more interested in motorsport to impress him. She was spending hours watching races and reading articles not just about Formula 1 but also about junior series. And they both couldn't wait till they show their knowledge to the other one.


Birthday. For many people, it is a happy day when they are surrounded by people they love. Alard's family never was the case. It was because of Margot Alard, a brilliant thief but a cold-hearted woman. She couldn't understand why are people celebrating birthday. Why is someone celebrating the day when they were born? Why should they get presents, it's not their merit. Her husband Pablo and his mother Beatrix were against her beliefs, but they didn't want to argue with her. Every year, they made a super-secret party for little Jacqueline. Thanks to that, she didn't feel too sad. She felt like a normal kid.

On the day of her birthday, Jacqueline asked Pascalle for a day off so she could 'celebrate' on her own. She wasn't going to throw a big party, she just wanted to relax, enjoy some me-time. Working 24/7 is not the healthiest thing in the world, although it keeps your mind busy and you are not thinking about bad things. Jacqueline used to be terrified of having free time, but she is learning how to enjoy it.

She went for her usual morning run and then to a local supermarket. She bought herself some of her favourite snacks, excited to just lay on the couch and eat while watching soap operas. The cashier was less cold to her today, but Jacqueline didn't think it's because of her birthday. She probably just has a better day. When Jacqueline arrived home, she noticed a flowerpot on her table. It caught her off guard because she definitely didn't put it there. Did someone break into her house? She slowly came closer to the table, and breath hitched in her throat when she saw a dandelion in the flowerpot.

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