One Mix Detection

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Jade's pov
After we discussed "the plan" we texted Niall and asked him to come over

The boys were playing games leaving this part off the plan to me , jes and Liam

"Hey guys!!" Niall said as he walked in

"Hey!!" We all said

"Okay operation phone is a go!!" Liam said looking at me

I nodded and went to the kitchen were jesy was

"Okay so what do we do??" I asked jesy

"OH NO!!!! NIALL CAN YOU HELP??" Jesy yelled as she "dropped" the cookie tray


Liam's pov
This was my cue

"OH NO!!!! NIALL CAN YOU HELP??" Jesy yelled followed by a bang

"Sure!! Let me grab my phone!!" He said

"No!! I umm mean it's just the kitchen!!" I said he gave me a weird face and went to the kitchen

I quickly grabbed his phone and scrolled through it landing on the name Amelia

I opened the message and there was a location pin on were they were meeting i quickly sent the location to my phone and the deleted the recent chat

"Hahaha" I quickly put the phone back on the table

Zayn looked at me and shot me a thumbs up and I nodded

"Hot cookies!!" Niall said and put the plate down and immediately attacked it followed by pez

"So what's everyone doing this evening??" Perrie said

"We're actually going out" Harry said looking at Jade

"Me and El too" Louis said

"I just figured I'd hang here Andre's in Manchester for the game" Leigh said

"We're staying in" Jes said and I nodded

"Can we join you guys??" Zayn asked and me and jes nodded

"What about you lad??" Louis asked looking at Niall

"Boys night with Lewis" he said and shrugged

"He's gotten good at lying" Jade whispered to me and I nodded

"Do you mind me and Liam joining??? I mean that way the girls could have some girl time" zayn said

"Sorry mate Lewis wants some one on one time" Niall said

"That was the second time!!" Leigh said and me and Jade nodded

"Well I best get going catch you guys tomorrow" Niall said

"Bye!!" We said and he left

"Okay so the Italian place??" Louis said

"Looks like we're going on a date fam!!" He said rubbing his hands together and smirking

"And it is at this moment that I confirmed a suspension I had since day one you are A SUPER VILLIAN!!!" I said and everyone chuckled

"Your not wrong Payno!!" Louis said smirking

"Well everyone what's our plan from here??" Harry asked

Jade's pov
I knew this was not going to end well it is 9:00 in the evening and we are currently piled up in Liam's range rover "spying" on Niall

"That's his car!!!" Leigh said

"Yeah that's him!!" Harry said

"Okay so the girl at the reception Jane is a friend of mine and she knows we'll be coming and she has an empty booth in the back" El said

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