To you

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Jade's pov
I woke up with my head buzzing and this weight on me I opened my eyes and the first thing that got my attention was the painting , the painting me and Harry have on our bedroom wall

Who was I with?? Fuck did Harry come home?? I looked down and heaved a sigh of relief when I saw his curly head on my stomach , his hands wrapped around my waist and his body in between my legs

I raised my hand and ran it through his head

"Baby" he mumbled and buried his face into my stomach

My heart tugged when he said baby what happened last night did we make up?? What did we do beside the obvious

"What's wrong??" He said as he turned to face me I shook my head he brought his hand to my cheek

"I missed you" he said as he ran it across my jaw

"Say something" he said as he sat up

"I don't know what to say" I said he nodded and sat against the headboard and pulled me to his chest

I surprised him and myself when I leaned into him

"Do you remember what happened last night??" I asked

"All I remember is telling you that I miss you and then well" he said waving between us

"What do we do??" I asked as I got up and pulled one of his tshirt's over my head

"What do you want to do??" He asked and pulled his boxers up

"I don't know" I said he got up and walked to me

"I would never hurt you" he said

"You have to believe me please!! She was already there before I could push her off you came in and then.." he trailed off I bit my lip and stared at the wall behind him

"Baby" he said timidly

"Please say something" he said as he cupped my face and made me look at him

"I was hurt!!" I said blinking rapidly to stop tears from falling

"I'm so sorry , I'm sorry for what Kendall did!! I swear I would have never done anything with her it's only you jade!!" He said leaning his forehead against mine and wrapping his arms around me

"If I hadn't been there would you-

"What slept with her?? No way in hell I was about to kick her out!! I would never have done that!!" He said

"Are you sure??" I asked backing away from him

"Yess your the only thing I'm sure of" he said walking up to me

"So you didn't do anything?? You didn't have the urge to kiss her?? Nothing??" I asked and I walked backwards

"No not if the world depends on it" he said I soon realized I couldn't walk backwards anymore and my back was pressed to the wall

I looked into his eyes searching for any trace of lies but there were none just worry and sadness they lost their usual glow

"What now??" I asked him

"Whatever you want" he said leaning his forehead against mine we didn't say anything , the air around us thick

"I missed this" he whispered

"I miss waking up with you and you telling me off for making a mess and for throwing things around , I miss our baths when we just sit stewing in our flit" he said with a chuckle and I couldn't help laughing too

Always you [ Book Three ]Where stories live. Discover now