Chapter 3:Emerald Forest

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Y/N's p.o.v

We were in locker room and had to get things out of lockers but I just had some spare clothes which is the same thing I wear everyday so I went to the bathroom and change into my clothes and went back to the locker room

Giorno:Hey Doppio! 

Y/N:Hm? Oh hey....Giorno was it?

Giorno:Yep it's Giorno Giovanna and I have a dream of becoming a hunter!

Y/ Giorno what's your Semblance?

Giorno:My Semblance is Golden Experience! 

Y/N:Sweet what can it do?

Giorno:My Semblance can make non-living things into living things

Y/N:Huh cool mine can erase time and forecast into the future

Giorno:Bruno told me about it

Y/N:Oh well hope to be on someone's team

Giorno:Same but I'll just let the chips fall and see where they land


Giorno:What I mean is I'll be in an random team

Y/N:Oh well same I guess but my cousin on the other hand.....

I point at Yang and Ruby then Ruby zips over to me

Ruby:Y/N! Can I be on your team plleeeeasssse?

Y/ can't just stay with me or Yang all the time like I said yesterday break out of your shell! 

Ruby:But I don't wanna! You and your King Crimson is really strong!

Y/N:*sigh* Look just because you don't know anyone here doesn't mean you can just stick to me or Yang like some Semblance that sticks to you and if someone looks at it they die


Y/N:Look just please,please break out of your shell!

Giorno:She is quite the attached cousin 

Y/N:You don't say

Giorno laughs a bit and pats me on the back

Giorno:Well good luck on getting in a team!

Y/N:Yeah,yeah you too

Giorno walks off back to Bruno and the others I sigh and then the speaker was turned on

Glynda:Would all first year students please report to Beacon cliff for initiation. Again all first year students report to Beacon cliff immediately


We were at the cliff and were standing on...launcher platforms I think

Ozpin:For years you have trained to become warriors and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest

Glynda:Now I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well allow us to put an end to your confusion each of you will be given


Ozpin:These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon so it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well


Ozpin:That being said the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years

I look at Ruby and it looks like as if her world shattered into pieces of glass 


???:See I told you

This is King Crimson! (Doppio male reader x RWBY)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن