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Bokuto: what if agaashe is an art museum tour guide (idk what they called)

Akaashi:not again bokuto san

Hinata: well it goes like this
" hi welcome im your depress ego guide let me tour you around in this boring hallway and enjoy these boring fantastic arts and crafts maybe my voice will brought you to hell after our tour"

Bokuto laugh his ass off: oh shi i can't-

Akaashi: I'll never be like that shoyo

Hinata: im sorry forgive me daddy-

Bokuto: im the big spoon here

Akaashi: no your not

Hinata: yes you are not daddy owl

Bokuto: but my sunshine and mommy owl

Akaashi: fine but I'm the real big spoon here

Bokuto: fine~

Hinata: that's why i adore you two so much •3•

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