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[ hinata's phone ringing and the caller name is DADDY so apparently bokuto and atsumu see it they thought-]

Bokuto:  are you still contacting your father?

Atsumu: your still calling your father a daddy?!

Hinata [answering the call]:
well hello there daddy~

Kags [on the line]:
how are you doin my baby boke.

[Bokuto choked on his food]

Atsumu [spitting his water w saliva]: WTF IS TOBIO YOUR FREAKING DADDY?!

Sakusa: you little shit germ your freeakin saliva is disgustang.
Imma go shower 10 litres of alcohol you germ barryface.

Atsumu: omi-

Hinata: uh guys-

HINATA MESS Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat