Episode 31

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Luke was halfway through watching a movie at home on his own when he got the text.

Fancy hanging out?

It was from Max. They'd only just seen each other that morning, but Luke was more than happy to spend the evening with him. The truth was, that he'd been thinking about him all day anyway.

He typed message back.

Sure, come on over here if you want. Maybe her a takeaways and watch a movie?

He could see Max started typing his reply moments later.

Sounds perfect. See you in a bit x

Luke stopped the movie he was watching, turned the TV off and jumped in the shower.

Max appeared at his door an hour or so later. He was holding a four pack of beers.

'I've brought these,' he said.

'Great,' said Luke. 'Come on in.'

He put the beers in the fridge and got a couple of cold ones out.

'There's some takeout menus on the table,' said Luke. 'What do you fancy? Pizza? Chinese?'

'I don't mind,' said Max.

'Take a look through them, see what you fancy.'

They took their drinks through to the front room and sat on the couch. They decided on curry and the next decision was what movie to watch. They chose a scary film, which seemed perfect as they could snuggle up together under a blanket to watch it.

Max was sad about his breakup with Milo, but it hadn't come as a shock. Even before Sam came along, he knew that opening up their relationship was the beginning of the end. But if he could go back and do it all again, he wasn't sure if he'd do anything differently. Milo was his first love and he'd never forget that. But they were still so young. Their relationship would never have survived them both going to different universities. They had the best of both worlds in the time they were together. They had all the amazing benefits of being in a relationship, but with the freedoms of being single. It may be over now, but they shone bright for a short time. It had been the most exciting, fun, and educational few months of his life. But now it was time to move on.

'Can we talk before we watch the film?' asked Max.

'Sure, what's up?' said Luke.

'I really like you.'

'I really like you too.'

'But there's something I need to tell you. I just got out of a relationship quite recently.'

He decided not to tell Luke just how recently.

'Why do I get the feeling you're about to let me down gently?' said Luke.

'Oh no, it's not like that,' said Max. 'But I'm not looking to get into anything else right now. If we keep on seeing each other, I'd like to take things slowly.'

'I can do slow,' said Luke.


'So you want to watch the movie?'


They snuggled up on the couch, holding hands as they watched the film together.


It had been the best sex that Milo and Sam had ever had. There was something really different between them, knowing that they were actually together, like a real couple. They'd kept eye contact throughout, neither of them quite able to get over the fact that this was happening. As Same came, he breathed the words, I love you into Milo's ear. Milo wanted to say it back, but he was reluctant. The last time they'd said this to each other, Sam had broken up with him moments after. Milo wasn't sure if it was something Sam had said in the heat of the moment, or if he meant it this time.

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