Episode 24

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Ali didn't want to admit to Jack that she was wrong. She knew that she was though and had to try and make things right with Kai. She couldn't understand why she'd been so quick to believe Beth's word over Kai's, the man she loved. He'd told her about Beth before and knew how controlling she was. Ali was just so used to being messed around by guys, that she'd assumed the worst without even questioning it.

She'd had the worst two days. She usually spent pretty much all her time with Kai when she wasn't at work and she was miserable not having him around. She'd sent him a couple of messages, which he'd not responded to, so she went outside to try and call him. It rang several times. She was just about to hang up, assuming he wasn't ready to talk when he answered.

'Hello.' He didn't sound his usual happy self.

'Can we talk?' she said.

'What is there to talk about? You clearly don't trust me. I'm not sure how we can get passed that.'

'But I do trust you,' she said. 'I was being stupid.'

'I need some time to think.'

'And you can have it, but can we talk in person first? I just want to put my case across.'

There was silence for a few moments.

'Okay,' he said. 'Where shall I meet you?'


Jack was in tears when he answered the video call. 'Dad,' he said. 'You won. I'm so happy for you.'

It wasn't exact an intimate moment between a father and a son. Both of them were being filmed by camera crews at either side of the call.

'I'm so happy for me too,' said Miss Vivienne. His tears had smudged all his makeup. 'I would have called you straight after the show, but every time I tried my phone rang. I've had so many offers of work and the show only finished am hour ago.'

'That's amazing. All your hard work has finally paid off. You're going to he such a huge star.'

Both of them tried composing themselves. They didn't want to look a mess on TV.

'When are you coming home?' said Jack.

'Tomorrow, but then I'm being interviewed for This Morning tomorrow and recording the winner's single next week, so it will only be a fleeting visit.'

'That's okay. I'll be happy to see you, even if it's only for a few hours.'

'I can't wait to see you either.'

Jack panned his phone round to the young swedish boy sat to his side. 'Dad, this is my friend Oscar,' he said.

'Oh hi Oscar,' said Miss Vivienne. He was surprised. Unless he saw them in the lounge the morning after, he never got introduced to any of the guys Jack met. He figured this one must have been special, but didn't want to ask about it whilst they were both being filmed.

'I've got to go,' said Miss Vivienne, 'but I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Okay,' said Jack. 'It's the last day of Pride, so I'll probably be out, but drop me a text and I'll come back.'


'I love you Dad.'

'I love you too Jack.'

Jack ended the call. The cameraman smiled. He was clearly happy with the footage he'd just got.


As they went from bar to bar, Max and Luke started acting more and more like a couple. They held hands when they walked down the street and kissed a lot.

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