You're the best! You sure you don't wanna join us? I could really use another friend.

My heart pumped, wanting to say yes.

No thanks, I've got my own thing.

No no, that wasn't what I wanted to say-

Besides, I don't wanna be involved in the conflict.

Was this me? It doesn't feel like it, I- I don't want to say no.

You sure big man?

My mind screamed yes, to follow this mysterious boy. To go into the adventure.

I'm sure.


A change. I need a change.

I don't understand what I feel, all I know is I'm longing for a change.

I made a mistake, I chose to go the safe route and I paid a hefty price.

Then, light.

And, closure.

I am asleep, I think.

I'm, waking up?

The sun is blaring at me.

Where is my armour? My things? I feel so, light.

Come on, slowpoke.

I had a house, I had a country, where-

Are you still reminiscing SMPEarth? Me too, every night. I miss my business boys. It's just you and me against the world big man.

His mop of blond hair feels familiar, like the boy in the airplane. Who had eyes blue enough to rival the skies and seas.

Dream said he has some things to give us, a "welcoming" gift apparently.

This feels like I'm in someone else's body. Watching the world fly by in a blur.

A house? It looks pretty nice.

Buzz buzz


Legs- no wait, my legs carried me upstairs, I felt like I've done this a million times and at the same time like I'm in a stranger's home.


A huge fluff ball collapsed into me, my vision was clouded around the outside, struggling to focus on the black and yellow, bee?

Hi Spunz

Spunz, that's a nice name. At this point I've accepted I know nothing but everything at once.

I continued to speak to the bee, taking in the words rambling out of my own mouth and trying to make sense of them.

Something about, a new country? Like what my friend said?

What did he say again, SMP...Earth?

Oh how I don't want to go back. It felt so cold, lonely. Here it's so warm.

The next thing I see are, walls.

I feel claustrophobic, I want out.

I don't want to be contained.

Big T!

That voice, it calms me.

My body turned to face the boy, my own personal piece of the skies and seas, is it selfish of me to keep such a mesmerising sight to myself?

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