System Failure

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Forgetfulness: *trying to get his computer to work* Come on!!!!

Computer: Failure to reboot! Please check manual for troubleshooting options!

Forgetfulness: This is ridiculous!

Computer: *flashes and screen turns dark*

Jethro: Your computer broken?

Forgetfulness: Yes, can you fix it?

Jethro: Do I look like a computer repairman? No! And, before you ask, I am not gonna get you a new computer! Save up!

Forgetfulness: But, I have to check my email!

Jethro: Go to the library, stupid!

Forgetfulness: Oh.

This story was written on Tuesday, October 27th, 2020.

A/N Ha ha, system failure!!! F is out of luck! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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