Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part III - Uprise

Start from the beginning

" How can you still associate with them after what they have done to you, Lily?! How, & why?? "

" Michael, let me stop you right there! "
I stepped outside onto the porch so he wouldn't push into my house, a hand on the door to prevent it from falling shut.

" I'm aware that you're worried & care for my wellbeing, & I genuinely appreciate you for that... But you also need to remember that I'm old enough to make my own decisions - even the kind of decisions you might neither understand nor agree with! "

He took a deep breath to protest, but I had already raised my voice again.
" Let us talk tomorrow, Michael, & I will explain to you why you have absolutely no reason to worry! I promise, things are not what you think they are. But first you need to calm down... I do not wish to fight with you.

Not now, not ever. "

A thought-yielded hush befell the young Emerson as he was now clearly reevaluating the situation as well as his reaction to it, his eyes averting in shame - or so I assumed. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, sensing his inner conflict & the surge of emotions he had to endure in this very moment. And yet, I prayed that he'd agree & take his leave before one of the four vampires could gain his attention & throw things out of balance again.

A soft smile bloomed on my lips, although it was impossible to tell if Michael could even see it in the dark.
" ... Are we okay? "

" Why not now, Lily? ", he replied almost immediately, shooting me a glare so sinister that my smile crumbled in the blink of an eye.
" Why can't you explain it to me now?? What is holding you back from being honest with me today?!

          Why are you avoiding me?! "

" Michael, I told you, I can n-- "

" Allow me to answer for you, my dear Lily ~ "
A soothing yet frigid voice from close behind me joined our heated conversation the same moment a leather-clad palm landed on my shoulder, a familiar chest pushing against my back & almost compelling me to lean into it so I wouldn't lose my balance. Faint chuckling ensued mere inches away from my ear & I had to bite down hard on my tongue to suppress a nasty comment. It wouldn't do the situation any good.

I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it.
He seriously had the audacity to reveal himself in an already fragile moment, well aware that it could get me in trouble & only add more fuel to the fire...

David, you idiot.

" ~ She already has company tonight, Michael. "

The darkness outside my house was nothing compared to the darkness that was beginning to devour Michael's eyes, the shadows under his brows expanding as anger & sheer abysmal disdain settled on his once so tender face. He stared past me like I wasn't even there anymore, his narrowed eyes meeting those of David who seemed more than pleased with what me had done, his restrained chuckle soon transmogrifying into gleeful laughter.

I wished to disappear, to either sink into the very ground beneath my feet or simply vanish into thin air, but unfortunately neither was an option. Not even stepping away seemed possible right now; David's grip on my shoulder was firm, his tall & quite stout body blocking my way.

" You... " Michael hissed, much like a snake driven into a corner.

" Me what, Michael? Has your anger towards me still not subsided? "
He squeezed my shoulder & pulled me deeper into his chest, coldly ignoring the young Emerson's fiery expression.
" I thought we had long moved on, yet here you are, with enough hatred in your eyes to nurture an army. "

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