I take my shoes off and toss them beside the couch and I make my way over to the adjoined kitchen. "Would you like some wine?" I ask him.

He nods in response, "Sure."

I open a bottle of red wine, grab two wine glasses, and bring them back over to the living room. As I set them down on the coffee table, I noticed Niall staring at my photo wall.

"See anything you like?" I joke, pouring wine into each of our glasses.

He turns back to me and steps to the side and I walk over to the photos. I hand him his glass and I take a sip from mine. I noticed the photo he was looking at, it was my mum and I at a beach in Nice.

"Is that your mum?" He asks and I nod. He smiles, "She seems lovely."

"She is." I smile, "That was from the trip to Nice I took her on for her birthday.

"And is that your dad?" Niall asks, pointing to another photo.

I feel my heart sink at the mention of my father and I look at the photo. It was a photo of us standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

"Yeah." I quickly nod.

"That was your first time flying over the ocean, right?" Niall recalls, and I'm honestly surprised that he remembered that.

I nod, "Yeah, that was when he took me to San Francisco."

"And this one?" He points to an old photo of my parents and I on the day my mum bought the shop where her boutique is now. The three of us are standing outside the brick building and I'm in between them holding two thumbs up and posing with my tongue out. I don't remember what year that was but I couldn't have been any older than five.

"What's the story behind it?" He asks.

"My mum bought her shop that day, and I was clearly over the moon about it." I laugh.

"Do you get to see them a lot?" Niall asks, sitting down on my couch.

"I see my mum quite often," I answer, sitting next to him, "but not as often as I'd like."

"And your dad?" Niall asks.

I fidget with my sleeves for a second before looking up to Niall. "He passed away a few years ago," I tell him.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He apologizes, "I didn't mean to bring it up."

"You didn't know." I say, "It was bound to come up eventually."

Niall silently looks around my living room as if he's trying to find something to use to change the subject. His gaze stopped next to the shelves where I kept all my favorite movies. I had handmade the shelves by gluing wooden crates from a farmers market together and praying that they didn't fall apart. It's still standing months later and is full of my DVDs.

"Did you make that?" He asks.

I laugh, "Is it that obvious?"

"Maybe a little." He says. I gasped and held my hands to my chest, acting as if I was upset. Niall chuckles. "I'm just playing."

"I think it looks quite good," I say, slightly feeding my own ego.

"It does." Niall compliments, "You're quite crafty. I didn't know that about you."

"There's a lot you don't know about me," I smirk.

"Hmm..." He says, "Well I think I know enough about you to assume that you've seen all of those."

"Well, I did buy them?" I state.

"Is the movie you were in somewhere in there?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No way! I will go to my grave having never seen that movie." I set my glass back onto the coffee table, not pouring myself another. " But you know what movie I do have...?" I ask, feeling the smile growing on my face.

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