“Here come in, let me put it in water then we can go,” I opened the door more to let him in.

He followed close behind me as I walked to my kitchen, I grabbed a vase and filled it with water then put the rose in it.

“Okay, let’s go?” I somewhat asked. 

“Sure,” he smiled and we walked to the door.

“Bye Dad!” I yelled out before shutting the door behind us. 

“So, you look really pretty,” he said sweetly as we started walking down the sidewalk.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” he was wearing a white shirt with a dark blue sweatshirt, with his light brown hair swept over to his right.

We walked in a silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Soon enough he slid his hand out of his pocket and into my hand, they were like two puzzle pieces, it felt right. We both looked at each other and smiled. 

“This is my house,” we turned and walked up to his door. His house was beautiful, it was a pure white with light blue shutters on all the windows. 

“It’s pretty,” 

He smiled and opened the door, letting me in first. “My parents aren’t home, they’re at a open house for my sisters until 8ish,” 

I just nodded, I was looking around, there was a lot of pictures all over the walls. I found one where Lou was a toddler, “Aw Lou! You were adorable!” I walked over to the picture, giggling.

“Were? I still am!” my giggling turned into my laughing. “I love your laugh,” he said.

“That’s cause you haven’t heard my real laugh, it’s really annoying,” 

“So that’s my mission tonight, to get the real laugh out of you. I think I can do that,” He said smiling walking towards another room with a tv and a couch, it was a really cozy looking room.  “What’s your favorite movie?” 

“Finding Nemo!” 

“Finding Nemo it is,” he laughed and pulled out a dvd, then placed it into the dvr.

He grabbed a blanket and the remote and sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to him, suggesting me to sit next to him. I walked over and sat down on the leather couch, next to Lou. 

It was about 30 minutes into the movie and somehow I ended up laying on the couch with my head laying on his lap, and him playing with my previously curled hair. From playing with my hair so much, he managed to bring my hair to it's original wavy self. 

"You hungry yet?" he asked me, snapping my attention from the movie to his shining greenish blue eyes. 

"Are you?" I quuestioned back, making him laugh a little. 

"I'll just call for pizza now, what's your favorite kind?" 

"Cheese please," I gleamed up at him. 

"Good, me too," he pulled out his phone from his sweatshirt pocket being careful not to make me uncomfortable in his lap. He pressed a number and it called, the pizza place was on his speed dial? 

"Hey Tom!" Lou said being his friendly self. "Nothing really, but could I get regular?" he listened then continued, "No, just in the mood for pizza tonight. See you soon," he pressed the end call then looked down and met my confused eyes. "Oh, I know the pizza guy," 

"I can tell," I laughed.

"My parents aren't the greatest cooks so we get pizza a lot," we both laughed and turned our attention to the movie again. After not even ten minutes he stole my attention from Nemo again. 

"Did you know that you stick your tongue out when you're focusing on something? It's really cute," he smiled then poked the tip of my nose causing me to giggle.

"You're lucky I've seen this movie a million times, you're very distracting you know," I pointed out, making him smirk.

"I tend to have that effect on people," he winked as the door bell went off.

"Yay! Pizza!" I squeeled and got off his lap and ran to the door with him. He opened the door and there stood a tall man, with grey hair. He looked like his was in his 40's about. 

"Hey Tom, thanks," Lou said handing him money and taking the pizza.

"Anytime Louis, oh and who's this?" he said smiling and pointing to me.

"Hi, I'm Denise," I smiled and held out my hand, he shook it and looked to Lou smiling. "I'll go put the pizza in the living room," I said to Lou grabbing the pizza box and walking to the other room, little did they know that I could still hear them. 

"Is she your girlfriend?" Tom asked Lou.

"No, I might ask her though," he said, I could tell by his tone that he was smiling. And once again, Louis Tomlinson caused butterflies to go crazy again. 

The door shut and I automatically jumped on the couch and sat the pizza box down on the table infront of me, trying to look casual. 

The movie ended so he just started playing music from his ipod as we talked and ate. 

"Why'd you move to Bradford?" he asked while he lowered the volume of the music.

I was dreading someone asking me this, I honestly didn't feel like explaining how my mom died. It may not be the longest tory, but the mood sticks with you for a while. It was such a common death, a car crash, but it didn't make it any easier to hear or tell it. I didn't want to ruin tonight, so I figured I'd just be general with my answer. "More family lives around here," I answered simply.

"Oh, nice," he smiled, "so, let me hear you sing," I laughed uncomfortably, I didn't neccessarily think I had a terrible voice, I just didn't think it was the best.

"No, that's okay," I said slowly, hinting that I didn't really want to sing.

"Please?" he asked, trying to do puppy eyes but failing miserably. 

"You sing," I said, trying to turn the focus on him. 

"How about if I sing, you will after?"

"So you're purposing a compromise? I don't know Mr.Tomlinson..." I smiled.

"Yes ma'am I am," he rhymed, being his funny self.


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