Trick or Treat

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Hello! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Here is a Halloween special hope you all enjoy it! totally writing this after watching hill house and bly manor- also lowkey late but whatever and lowkey rushed beginning 

gore really, some words might be triggering but they are at the end and stuff like the words slit. so be careful 

Frank was finally 18 which meant his parents would let him go off and do stuff late at night which he was excited for. He loved getting into trouble and causing it too and Halloween was the perfect time of year to get up to no good. 

His friends had planned to take Frank to the haunted house at the end of the street. Frank didn't really care for stuff like that. Yeah he liked horror and loved to watch it but he wouldn't go out of his way to break into an abandoned building that really he didn't believe was haunted. He didn't think that stuff was real. 

He stood there in the mirror fixing his tie to his costume, nothing to fancy just a teen vampire really. He thought it was a good idea. 

"Frank dinners ready!" Frank looked at himself in the mirror one last time before heading off back downstairs. "A lovely lasagne for the birthday boy" Frank loved the meals his mom cooked always made him full. 

"This smells so good ma, I love it" Frank groaned, he shoved the food into his mouth quickly. "So What do you boys have planned for tonight then?" Frank hummed he wasn't sure if he should tell his mom. "Well they want to go to the Ways house and have a look since it is supposedly haunted" Frank scoffed. He didn't really believe in that stuff to him it was jokes.

His mom went pale, his dad putting his knife and fork down. "I don't think that is the best idea. That house is very dangerous boy" his dad commented. "Well why is it so bad? Like what's wrong with it in the first place?"

"Apparently the father, Gerard way, went mad killing his wife and daughter, before killing himself. Before he killed himself he said it was the house that made him do it. He was crazy. They haunt the house trying to lure kids in so the rumours say. People go in and never come out." 

Frank just laughed, he didn't believe that "Yeah Okay nice story" 

"It's true please just stay away from the house" Frank sighed and gave his mom a fake nod. That just kind of made him want to go in. He grabbed a bag and torch "I'll be home later, love you!" Frank called out before running off over to his friends. 

"Shall we do this" 

"Fuck yeah" So off they went the four boys headed on over to the abandoned Ways house hoping for something spooky to go down. 

The house stood tall, three story towering over the rest of the street. Its black paint job gives it an uninviting look. "So Frank since it's your birthday surely you go and knock on the door right?" Frank shook his head "Nah Nah no way, we should all go bust a window or something" 

"Don't be a little bitch Frank, you're 18 now go up and knock" Matt punched his arm gently. Frank groaned, he thought about it but if no one lives there no one is going to answer. "Okay fine. I'll go up and knock since you lot are being little bitches" 

The four of them jumped the fence, they snuck up behind the bushes. "Go on" Sam nudged Frank to keep going. Frank was a little bit scared, what if some random guy was there and he jumped out on them. That was his main concern.

He walked up the cracked stone path carefully, bits of it were falling away. "Hurry up Frank!" Frank rolled his eyes, he looked at the big door in front of him it felt cold. He huffed in annoyance when he couldn't see a door bell.  "There's no doorbell!" Frank turned round to yell at his friends. 

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