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Lowkey school shooting but not a school shooting because the gang guy just wanted to cause shit also like towards the end it goes from like chill to frank being pounded. :)

The clock ticked slowly, the teacher went on and on about stupid maths. Frank didn't think that maths important or needed as much. He sat there with his headphones in texting his friend. He knew he wasn't allowed to but wheres the fun in not texting right? 

He sat at his desk quietly minding his own business when his friend asked if he wanted to meet in the bathroom. Not for anything weird of course, just your usual smoking pot in the empty bathroom. He grinned to himself and stood up and looked at the teacher "Can I go to the toilet miss?" She sighed and nodded "Don't be gone to long" He hummed and left with his bag and made his way to the empty bathroom.

"Frank" Jack greeted Frank when he walked in. "Hey man" He hummed and sat on the sinks looking at his mate. 

"You got it?" Frank grinned and pulled out a blunt with a smile on his face "Yeah I do" He grabbed his lighter and passed it to his friend and let him smoke. He hit that too of course but he didn't really want to get suspended or detention again this month. Jack and Frank where minding their own business chatting about everything that didn't involve school when an alarm started going off. They thought it was the fire alarm until they heard doors slamming shut and students screaming as they ran through the halls. 

Jack looked at Frank fearfully as they stood there wide eyed, they put the blunt out and looked at the door.  Someone screamed as they ran past the bathroom, a gun shot followed quickly. They heard the sound of a body dropping and panicked. Jack went into one stall and locked the door and Frank went in another. They held their hands to their mouths so you couldn't hear them breath. 

"Check all the unlocked rooms, I'm sure there are some kids around that we can scare." A deep voice spoke. A 'Yes sir' followed after and footsteps echoed the halls, everything was quiet and they thought they'd be okay until they heard the door open, stupid bathroom doors don't have locks on them so they can be easily opened. "Smells like pot in here, there's a blunt on the sink" Someone called out. 

"Then there has to be someone in there. Have a look" Frank looked at the floor as he saw many pairs of shoes walk in, one pair nicer then the others, it just was different, the look. The way that this guy walked was different from the others. "Look, if you come out now we won't hurt you." 

Frank contemplated going out but he also didn't want to die. He looked at the stall praying that Jack didn't do anything stupid. "I gave you the opportunity but seems that you'd rather the hard way." The room went quiet as one man lined himself up with one of the doors. He kicked the door open and Jacks face dropped. He backed himself into the corner as fast as possible but got pulled out rather roughly. "No please!" He tried to get out of the mans grip but failed. 

"Is your friend in the other stall?" The man with the deep voice spoke. Jack shook his head, he looked at the stall Frank was in and whimpered "Please don't" The man sighed and walked to the stall Frank was in and looked at it. "What's your friends name?"

"F-Frank" Jack mumbled and looked at the door. "Right kid, open it and I won't hurt you." Frank held the handle and turned it slowly and opened the door even slower. He didn't want to see the man. "Perfect" He grabbed Frank and dragged him to stand in the middle of the room. 

"Y-You're Gerard Way!" Frank shouted before covering his mouth quickly. "That is correct kid, I am. Looks like you know who I am and what I do so no need for introductions." He chuckled and held his gun tightly. "Seems like you know what to do compared to your friend here. You came out and he had to be forced out, stupid kid. Always hated them" He aimed the gun at Jacks head. 

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