Lost Cause prt2

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Part twooooo! won't be as loong this is like an ending  it sad ngl 

Finished this off  just for  


I know the dates for the movie are off but nz dont get to see it until the end of april so shh



Third POV:

Everything had been going well for a bit, Gerard had a talk to his boss and explained what was going on. He let him know about everything he had done and how he was feeling so he knew. He even told him about the accident, Frank was there the whole time. Frank had actually moved in, his stuff was slowly arriving bit by bit. Gerard's boss though was really supportive. He gave Gerard time off from having to come into work, he allowed him to work at home and would just call him when they had meetings. 

He explained to Gerard that he had noticed what was going on but never intervened, he wish he did now that he knows how bad it was. He has offered for the company to pay for any therapy he needs. So that worked out well for Gerard. He was actually really scared. He does have bad days which always scare him. There are no drinks in the house for that reason. 

His first day was awful. He felt like he was dying his body was sore, his bones ached and he had a runny nose and a headache. He was sick, he wanted a drink or anything but Frank said no. He stayed by his side and looked after him. It was tough at first, he found it tricky because Gerard was very stubborn but after a week he was getting there, he got his first chip from the meetings and the excitement was real. 

It would be a month soon and that was scary for Gerard. Today was one of his bad days and Frank wasn't there to help him. He had to go out to Record dealers and have chats, of course they went well and Frank was making his way back to Gerard. He didn't mind that he left Jersey behind, he didn't sell his house in case they moved back. 

Gerard sat on the floor crying, flash backs of a car rolling towards him kept replaying in his mind, images of him drinking and feeling good kept popping up. He needed Frank. His leg was acting up and his shaking was bad, he didn't have the strength to get off the floor, he thought that he could carry his plate to the kitchen but his leg gave out and he couldn't catch himself, he tried to get up but everything was acting up. 

His arms couldn't support him, he isn't that heavy anyway. He was just shaking. He had been sitting on the floor for a couple hours, his body still shaking and racked with tears as he messaged Frank over and over. 

Frank was on the subway with no service. All he was thinking about was getting home and having a cuddle with Gerard, he found that when Gerard got bad that cuddling was good, he didn't mind though. He enjoyed it. He got off the subway and started the short walk to the apartment, his phone violently shaking from the amount of missed calls and messages. He started to panic as he read over them. 

His body picked up speed as he ran from the station to home. He shoved people and ignored their annoyance as he ran into the building and jumping in the elevator. "Come on" He pushed the button multiple times. "That won't make it go faster dear" This little old lady commented. 

"I didn't ask for your opinion lady." Frank snapped and got off when it stopped. "Well fuck you too then." The lady huffed and closed the doors. Frank ran down the hall trying to get his keys out of his pocket quickly jamming them in the door and opening it. 

What a sight he came back too, Gerard was on the floor curled up crying. "Gee" Frank dropped to the floor and pulled him into his lap, his body shaking "It hurts" He cried and wrapped his arms around himself tighter. Frank dropped to the floor and pulled Gerard into a tight hug whispering soft things in his ear to help calm him. He hated to see Gerard in pain. "I've got you" That's the truth Frank did have Gerard, he always will. He wanted to keep him safe for the rest of his life to the best of his abilities.

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