Am I Safe

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Second half not edited as much

-Gerard's POV-


It was fucking freezing, I hate it so much. He always has to flip out over the smallest thing then get angry at me, even if I don't do anything. It's just not bloody fair. I sound like a 2 year old. He treats me like shit and my family doesn't do anything about it. They just watch him beat me to the floor till I can't move. 

It's most likely because I am gay, well it is. He doesn't understand it. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to get some warmth. Frank knows about my abusive father, he is the only one that seems to care about me and make sure that I am safe. He keeps telling me I should tell school or the cops, but I always say no..I'm afraid of being seen as weak, like my dad said. 

The town was dark, well where I was is dark. It stunk because of the rubbish and the junkies that filled the allies and streets. The winter air is like a bitch slap in the face but by a elephant glued to a bus on bullet train heading straight for your face. Maybe if I run away, I won't have to put up with the abuse, I mean Frank I don't think would miss me. 

He probably gets I can't keep staying at Franks. I've been there too many times. He needs a life of his own without me in it. even though I may like him, but he won't have the same feelings for me.

My only problem is right now, I have no where to go on this cold night. I have practically no clothes on besides my pajamas, so track pants that are covered in blood and socks that are soaking wet. I didn't have time to grab any clothes or anything warm, while he yelled at me and chucked stuff at me. My eyes hurt from crying as the tears would freeze in the air, my hands felt like ice they are all numb and shit. I shivered as I walked past allies ways.

They look creepy, every time I hear rustling I always think something or one is going to attack me, so my legs end up moving quicker. I can barely feel them anymore, just stone cold bricks. My socks freezing against my skin, sticking there. 

How did I get here? Out in the cold bitter air with only track pants on and socks with holes? Well it's really not that long of a story.

~~~~~earlier that night~~~~~~


"Gee! Your father will be home soon" Of fucking course.

"Ok, I'll be in my room" I was warned, I know he is coming home now..yay.

As I wait in my room for my father to turn up, I feel myself get upset. But I don't like the way my father treats me, like I'm a piece of shit or something I really don't think that he cares about me to be fucking blunt. It wasn't long before I heard yelling from downstairs, but I ignored it as I sat there with my * razor against my wrist. I miss the pain but I also hate it.

* The fucking troubles with this. You love it so much but don't love it. You want the pain but don't. You want people to see but don't as they will ask questions. Fuck why is it this hard.

"Why the fuck isn't he doing what I asked? His grades are slipping!" I hear my dad shout. Fuck.

* I am such a fucking fuck up! I press the razor into skin, feeling the wonderful stinging pain that I love but oh so hate very much. I can feel the blood dripping down my hand. Running out of space on my wrist I move the blade up higher on my arm, feelings the blood go down my full arm. There is a lot there.

"GERARD!" My dad shouts as he pushes open the door with force, and fuck my hand slipped giving me a big cut, great dad thanks just what I wanted!

"What?" I sink into myself a bit

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