"Why are you here in an Earth kingdom village?"

I stopped what I'm doing and turn to him, "Well, my home water tribe was attacked by the fire nation when I was young. My father sent me away with my uncle, telling him to take me somewhere safe. He had a friend in the Earth kingdom that he wanted me to stay with, in order to protect me from the fire nation. Once we got here, my uncle found the friend, Rahin, the owner of this shop, he entrusted him with my care, and then left to go find my family and help them fight. That's the last I heard from or saw my family. I was told a few months later that my tribe had been defeated, and that there was nothing left to go back to. So I stayed with Rahin here, and I help him with his shop."

"Wow," he said quietly, looking at the ground, "I'm so sorry."

I sighed, "It's alright. Everyone has lost people they love to the fire nation. Ask anyone here, and they will tell you. Rahin lost his wife when the fire nation tried to invade this village. That's why those earth kingdom soldiers are here, they are supposed to protect us. In my opinion, they do more harm than good."

"Yeah, I can see that."

I was able to get a better look at him now that he was right in front of me. His eyes were a golden amber color, something that I had only known and seen from the fire nation. I still couldn't see the scar much since he still had his hat on, but I could see that his left ear was badly scarred and damaged. From under the hat, I saw he had dark short hair. Strong dark eyebrows and a sharp jawline defined his face.

"I'm Mara, by the way," I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," he responded.

I was a little thrown off that he didn't respond with his name, "It's nice to meet you too, mystery man."

I saw a small smile come on his lips, and then it was gone.

"Mara, can you come help me with thi0s?" I heard Rahin calling from inside the shop.

"Coming," I called back. "Well, I should go help him. I'll see you around?"

"Not for very much longer. I am leaving tomorrow," he responded, his husky voice making the hairs on my neck stand up.

"Oh," I stood up, dusting the sand from my light brown tunic dress, "Alright. I hope you have safe travels, and that you find what you are looking for."

"Thank you," he stood as well and looked down at me.

I smiled and walked to the entrance of the shop, taking one last glance at him, and then going inside.

"Mara, I told you not to socialize with him," Rahin scolded when I walked up to him.

"I didn't go looking for him, he came to me. I was only being polite."

He gave me a harsh look, "It doesn't matter. We don't know who he is or where he's from. He could be a trouble maker."

"Okay Rahin."

The next morning, I watched from the window as the man left our village. While he was passing our shop, I saw him glance at me from underneath his hat. I smiled at him when we made eye contact, and he blushed and looked away.

A little while later I was outside tending to my flowers when I heard a commotion at the center of the village. I looked over and saw Lee being tied to a wooden post by the Earth kingdom soldiers. I started to stand up, grabbing my water flask.

A hand on my shoulder stopped me, "Do not interfere, we do not want them thinking that you are a threat. They allow you to stay here as a waterbender because they think you are harmless and untrained." Rahin said quietly from behind me. He walked down closer to the center to ask others watching what was happening.

Life Happens Wherever You Are (Zuko x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat