Chapter 2

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"Hello, I came for..." Soyeon stared at empty table in front of her. She turned around the room.

"Close the door." A tall dark foreign man in dark suit loomed above her, giving her jumpscare.

I didn't hear him at all. She thought to herself.

Soyeon turned to close the door, which shut with a clicking sound.

"Miss Jeon, pleasures to finally meet the monster rookie from CUBE entertainment."

Soyeon froze with her back to the person who talked. The voice was strangely familiar, yet foreign.

"Thank you," she said, as she slowly turned.

"It's okay, they don't call you genius just for the looks." There was another man standing next to window.

Soyeon opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

"Please, sit down," he motioned towards the small conference table and two armchairs.

Soyeon finally managed to close her mouth, but she felt dizzy. She just fell into the chair and silently stared at the man in front of her.

Even though he was hiding his face inside the hood of his jacket, even though she met him for the first time face-to-face, she knew.

It was Min Yoongi, in his full blown god beauty, sitting opposite to her. Soyeon tried to get her face under control, but didn't know how much she succeeded.

"Cough-" Soyeon closed her eyes for a second. Next time she opened them, her face broke into a soft smile. "I'm surprised such a well known person is suddenly inside this small company's CEO office."

"Oh," he said with no surprise in his voice. Min Yoongi took the hood off and checked her out with his black eyes. "Let's get to the main topic. The time is gold."

"Indeed," Soyeon squirmed in her seet. Her mind was full of firecrackers and light. She was absorbing all of his movements. She saw how he tilted his head and how he wrapped fingers around his beautifully shaped chin. She saw the exact moments when his lips formed into a small smile.

"I bought this company. And I have many plans with the groups in it. I currently own more than 80 percent of the stocks at this moment, so it would be good to understand my word is law here from now on."

With great difficulty, she managed to stop her wild thoughts. The uncertain future came to her as if someone threw cold water in her face.

"Little did I know... this company was seriously chin deep in shit."

"I'm sorry?" Soyeon was struck when she heard her idol swear.

"Did you know, what your former CEO did with most of the money, your little group managed to make?"

She didn't know, but she bluffed: "Well, of course, the money was devided between all groups and used to promote all-"

She stopped because Yoongi started to laugh.

"You really believe that? I thought you are intelligent."

Soyeon gritted her teeth.

"I will give you one more try. If you answer correctly, I will let you on some interesting information."

It was only now when she noticed, then even though he was smiling, his eyes were empty of emotion. She didn't recognize him. It was one thing to be different in front of the screen, but she knew many people around him. They wouldn't lie about his character. Which meant...

"Are you that surprised? It's showing all over your face. The disbelief, I mean," he showed little interest. "Well, are you going to try or stay silent?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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