Chapter 18: Attempt

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What happened in that room was an alarming definition of  Ms. Venable's capability. She frees me from her cage, allowed me again to do my job.

However, this time was different after I heard their conversation. I become her tail, following her back every day. It convinced her that I'm doing my service naturally. It was real because I haven't hung out with The Purples. Always end up in my room after I've done her orders.

We never did it again, the conversation. Ms. Venable loses her sight away from me but maintaining me to do my work and deals we've had.

Appears that we're avoiding each other. Resisted me that I should forget everything we had before that thing happened. Trying to think about my life and others than our connection.

A month passed, everything is the same as always. Cleaning and assisting Ms. Mead and Ms. Venable in the office then sleep early to avoid the trouble they have until I hear a thump on my door. It was evening and I assumed that everyone is in their rooms. I didn't know who's coming this night but that person interrupts my rest time.

I groan before slipping the blanket away from my thighs then get up to unlock the door. Scratching my head while walking towards the door to open it then speaks.

"What I can do for yo-" my words interrupts by Coco's hands. Wrapping around my back with her thick dress leaning on my nightclothes. She inclines her chin on my shoulder that makes her hug longer. I'm surprised but feel panicked for her. If Ms. Mead found out that Coco is not in her room, she will get a punishment. I loosen her hug and look at her with my furrow look.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here, Coco" I ask, worried about her behavior. She stares then, smiles before she gives me an answer.

"I'm worried about you. I miss you so much, (Y/N). You didn't come to the lounge or visit us before doing your task" her hands clap on her dress with eyes rolling while explaining herself to me. I'm sure everyone is thinking but I just can't tell them. They will be killed by Ms. Venable's hand if I spill her gruesome secret. I shake my head next, hold her arm to make her focus on me, my words.

"You cannot just go in my room especially when night, Coco" warn her with my solemn tone to make it clear to her that is not a good idea and safe. She frowns, downed by my expression. I don't know if she's listening, she was stubborn as always, I didn't expect it but I know it already.

"C'mon, (Y/N)! Hang out with me again. We can play truth or dare again or maybe charades. There's no fun without you there in the lounge" she removes my hand on her arm then, take it back on me. Shakes my body without stopping till I can yes to her. I couldn't find a way to reject her except lying to her. Bow down to stop her shaky motion from her hand then begin to giggle and clap silently. I sigh softly before looking forward to her. It feels awkward that I lie again, creating a problem in my hands.

Then suddenly I hear a tap.

"This is out of line, Ms. Vanderbilt" Ms. Mead's stiff voice startles out Coco that making her to turnaround. Emerges sighting Ms. Venable next to Ms. Mead who gave us an evil look, smirking.

This isn't good for both of us, Coco

Ms. Venable walks towards Coco slowly but with giving a loud stroke of her footsteps with her cane. Symbolizes that she's coming for something intentional by looking at her lip, shifting her unemotional to a smug smile.

Before Coco could speak again, a sudden slap she gets from Ms. Venable that both of us were shocked about it. Turns to Coco to cover her redden mug that has been slapped by our Leader who didn't even bother of it.

I sense myself, creating anger for her. Couldn't even imagine why would hurt someone who didn't even do anything cruel to her.

How could she slap Coco like that? without a valid reason?

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