The Pee Pee Song

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"We have a preposition for you all." The man starts to say, but then I feel that all too familiar feeling in my tummy. "Hold on you guys! I gotta potty!" They all look at me amused. Here I am, standing in the Tootie Tot position. Feet apart, knees together, and bottom back. I look around vigorously to find someone to take me. Mrs. Yuu isn't in the room, so I just shouted a familiar name to take me to the toilet.

Felix's P.o.V

For some odd reason, little Hana kept on wriggling in place with her eyes closed while PD-nim was beginning to explain his preposition. "Hold on you guys! I gotta potty!" She then opens her eyes and looks around the room frantically. "PIXIE LIXIE TAKE ME TO THE TOILET PLEASE!", she says and runs out of the room. I ran after her, picked her up, and sprinted to the girls restroom and opened the door for her. Even in times of rush, still be a gentleman. Even if it is to a four year old. She runs in and asks, "Is it okay if I sing the Pee Pee song?" I try my best to hold in my laughter while urging her to sing the song. "Okay here I go! 5, 6, 7, 8, I pee pee in the pot, pee pee in the pot, pee pee, pee pee, pee pee in the pot! I tinkle in the pot, tinkle in the pot, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the pot! Time to tear of the toilet paper- Intermission by the toilet flushing!" I hear the toilet flush and the stall door open and close. "I wash up in the sink, wash up in the sink, wash, wash, wash, wash, wash up in the sink! I'm done Pixie Lixie!" She then walks outside with paper towels in her hand and asks for me to "speed dry" her hands. I grab the paper towel and her hands and hurriedly dry her hands, and put the now wet towel into the rubbish bin. "Hey Pixie Lixie! Can I get a ride on your back? You know a piggy back ride?" I nod and crouch down so she could get easier access to my back. She jumped on and gripped my shoulders instead of wrapping her arms around my neck like other children. 

"Hey Hana, Why didn't you wrap your arms around my neck?" 

"Well I'm to scared that I will choke you so I just put my hands on your-       what are they called again?" How in the world does this child know about choking someone but doesn't know about a simple part of the human body? "They are shoulders, and how did you come up with that Hana?" She started laughing. "I saw an American channel on T.V. and wanted to see in English was like Spanish, but all I saw was people fighting other people in a giant square with big blue ropes surrounding them. They were wearing weird masks also. One person grabbed the other person with their hands wrapped around the other person's neck and head, and the common potato said that he was in a choke hold. I was really scared. His face was really, really red. And when he let go of the man, the man fell out of the square onto the table! I don't want you to turn red and fall! You are my friend, and friends don't do that. I can guarantee you that Lixie." I was genuinely surprised with her response. I did not think she was going to say that. "Well little Hana, you are my friend too." 

We make it back to the room to find Mrs. Yuu in there, along with PD-nim and the boys. "What took you guys so long" Hyunjin hyung said impatiently. "I guess we just had story time", I said in retort to Jinnie-hyung.

"Okay, I am going to ask you boys some questions and you have to answer truthfully. Alright." PD-nim said and we all nodded in agreement. (A/N Feel free to answer the questions yourself so I can kind of fix Hana if need be.)

Nobody's P.o.V.

"Alright question number one. Did you enjoy your time with Hana, and if so, would you like to see her more often?" 

Han raised his hand. "I did enjoy my time with Hana and I think the others did too. She is extremely fun to talk to, and she has a wild imagination. So yes I think we'd all like to see her more often." The others nodded in agreement.

"Great answer Han. Next question. This one is more so pointed towards Felix. How was it like taking care of such a young person?"
"It was different. But not in a bad way. Not at all was it terrible, but it was extremely different from what I am used to. This may sound weird but, I liked the feeling. It made me feel like I am, I don't know, responsible? I don't know how to describe the feeling, but we were like family." They all thought for a while, and Chan raised his hand. "I had the feeling too, I felt close to her like she was one of us." The others nodded in agreement again. PD-nim smiled.

"Okay final question.  How would you feel if I told you all that little Kang Hana is an orphan and is about to get adopted by you all if  you all agree with the following terms?" All eight of the members and Hana's eyes widened in shock. Tears were found in Hana's eyes as she rolled into a ball and cried with tears of joy. They were all extremely happy, but were too frozen in shock to answer the question. They all nodded their heads vigorously and ran to Hana, while different people did different things. Felix held Hana, Han hugged both Felix and Hana, Jeongin wiped away Hana's tears, Chan along with Hyunjin and Minho also hugged them and the rest just stood there with their hands cupping their mouths in shock. 

They acted as a family. They were happy. They knew from this point in there lives, there would never be a dull day in any of their lives, and they didn't object. From this day everything has changed.

"I wanna be the mom guys" Hyunjin said while flipping his hair.

Well almost everything has changed.

(A/N: Let me know if there is any events you'd like to see! Remember to vote and comment on your favorite part in the book! Sorry for taking so long to update. College has been a pain in the ass. But that's just an excuse. I'll try harder to stay on schedule)

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