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                     "Wake up Hannah! It's time to go somewhere! We can't spend all day in the orphanage! It is just you and me after all." Mrs. Yuu said.

           I wake up to Mrs. Yuu shaking me lightly. She hands me my glasses. "Good Afternoon Mrs. Yuu! What are we doing today! Are we going on a walk again? I love our walks! They are so much fun! Which way are we walking? You always go toward the purple park. This time can we go to the big red one the other way. Lets go on a- a- a- What is the word again?" I ramble on. 

        "An adventure perhaps? And yes we can go to the Rose Garden Park today." She picks out my outfit and goes to pack snacks and water. I get dressed and run to the kitchen and wait for her to finish. She walks to the front and turns of all the lights and we walk out the door. We start to walk in the direction of the park. I look around and smell the fresh spring air. "Mrs. Yuu, do you smell that! It smells yummy!" I look around to see where the amazing aroma is coming from. I see a little shop and there is cake through the window. "Mrs. Yuu! look there! Do you see it! Look! Look! I see cake! Lets go there now!" She looks around and then spots the small shop I saw. "You mean that little café right there? I have snacks already packed though. We don't really need to go there." "But Mrs. Yuu! Please I'll clean my room more often! I'll even sleep with the lamp off so you can save money!" She looks very indecisive. How! My offer was the best. I try to look the cutest a possibly can. "Fine, but you better keep your side of the deal!" We start walking towards the small shop. "Yay! You're the best Mrs. Yuu! You know that right!" She just laughs and we walk away. Little did they know that an older male was watching them and had an offer in mind.

                                                                                 JYP PD-NIM'S P.o.V

        After coming up with some ideas for the rookie band Stray Kids, I had an idea. One of the staff members have two sons one being five and the other being only one. The two never met Stray Kids before so I thought lets make this a challenge for them. We can use the two children and if they are able to bond with the children we give them a prize or something. It will also make an AMAZING video for their fanbase. I called Choi Yeorin a makeup artist for Got7, to see if we can use their children for a couple of hours.

 Time  skip cuz I'm lazy af and don't want to write a phone call lol

       She agreed to the project. She said we could as long as she gets to watch from the sidelines which I get seeing as she is a caring mother.  I write down my Idea and when I am going to do this project. Afterwards I decide to get out of this cramped building and go to Emerald Café near the Rose Garden Park. I get to walking when I see the cutest thing. I am only a few buildings down from the café when I see a woman and her daughter trying to make a deal about getting a slice of cake. "You mean that little café right there? I have snacks already packed though. We don't really need to go there." The mother says. The little child starts to think and she comes up with an idea. "But Mrs. Yuu! Please I'll clean my room more often! I'll even sleep with the lamp off so you can save money!" In all honesty I would have taken the deal, but the woman looks indecisive. She makes up her mind and they start to walk in the café as well. I came up with an idea and I rush to them so I can talk about the idea with the mother to see what she would say.

                                                                       MRS. YUU'S P.o.V

      We walk into the café and I order a iced tea and lemon cake for me and two cake pops for Hannah. I find an empty table for us both. It is right next to the window so we look out the window and eat in a comfortable silence. Suddenly a man sits in front of us and removes his mask. "Hello, I am Jin Young Park from JYP Entertainment. I have a question for you and your daughter." I start to laugh and he looks at me weirdly. "This isn't my daughter silly! I am a caretaker at an orphanage around the corner. This is the only orphan left so I decided to take her for a walk. This is Kang Hannah. She is three years old." He looks surprised yet happy. "Oh. I'm sorry I have an offer for you both though. My rookie group is doing a little challenge soon and i need your permission so i can use little Hannah for the challenge." I think for a while. This might just be really good for little Hannah. She hasn't been anywhere fun lately except the park. "It depends. What are you going to use her for?" He has an amused look on his face and it worries me. "There will be two other children with her if you approve of her participating, and the plan was to put two of the members in at a time to see if they are able to bond with the children. If they are, they get a prize which is now undecided."  This is a good offer. Hannah does need to meet knew people. This will be a good experience for her. "Okay. I will allow you to use Hannah. I also have an idea for the prize. I have job to be a technician now that I have finished my online classes.  The thing is, I can't do both. Maybe if they bond pretty well with Hannah, they can adopt her." I say while tearing up a little. "Okay I will allow them to adopt her. You will be able to visit the entertainment to see her also."

           "Come to the entertainment tomorrow with Hannah and sign the contracts. I'll see you then" We get up and leave. 


Be Happy (Stray Kids x Child OC)Where stories live. Discover now