" Hey babe , what're you doing here ? I thought you had potions now ? " 
" Yeah , but I wanted to see you ! Oh , and who are they ? " 

The gryffindor girl pointed to group behind Pansy . 
" Oh ! These are my best friends ! I told you about them . " 
" Right ! Silly me . How could I forget ? Well , I am Roxanne but you can call me Roxi . " 

" Nice to meet you . I am Blaise and this is my girlfriend Luna . " 
Luna waved at the girl and hugged Blaise . 
" I am Draco , Draco Malfoy . " 
" Hi ! I am Harry ! You seem nice , but let me warn you . If you ever break her heart , I'm gonna break your spine ... " 

Harry smiled and hugged Draco . Roxanne gulped and started sweating . 
" Well I better go now ... See you later ! " 
" Bye ! " 

Pansy turned around to face Harry and Draco hugging . Harry saw how she looked at him and asked . 
" What ? " 
" You are fucking pregnant or have a fucking period this week . You're acting scarry at one minute and then quicker than a second you are an innocent small being ! What is wrong with you ?! " 
" Nothing , I just warned her . Oh , and Pansy I was always like this . Blaise can agree . " 

Pansy looked confused at Blaise, same as Luna who didn't have a clue what Harry was talking about . 
" Yeah , he is right ... When I confessed to Luni and she said yes , he dragged me to his room and told me that he will cast Sectumsempra to watch me bleed just to heal me and do it again , if I break her heart ... " 

Blaise shivered at the thought and Luna hugged him . Then she turned around to face Harry . 
" Thank you Harry , you really are a good friend . " 
" It's okay . I just know what it is to be heart broken and don't want you to feel the same . " 
He smiled and hugged Luna . 

" About scary warnings ... He he ... I remember how girls scared me ... " 
Blaise and Harry looked at Draco . The girls only smiled . Harry immediately understood what Draco was talking about and laughed . 

" Oh , you don't have to worry about me . I have dealt with heartbreak more than once . " 
" And that's the reason we don't want you to be hurt anymore . " 
Said Luna and Pansy and Milly nooded . 

" Thank you guys . I really don't know what I would do without you . Let's get to class ! " 

They nodded and laughed and walked into the class . After the lesson they walked to the great hall where they were eating dinner , but something caught Harry's eye . The same blond gryffindor that he met this morning was hugging a hufflepuff boy with dark hair . He didn't know him , but that didn't matter . The thing is , why was she hugging him ? 

Harry got suspicious about it . Then they both got up and went out of the great hall . Harry decides to follow them . He told his friends that he needed to use the bathroom and went after a couple . 

They finally arrived at the library . He went in and saw them going to an old section where almost nobody was going in those days . He quietly peeked through the shelves and saw something that built rage in him . 

That bitch was kissing that boy . And she clearly was enjoying it . Harry walked out and stood in front of them . 

" Akhem ! Am I interrupting something ? " 
The two looked at Harry , who had a blank expression on his face . 
" O-oh H-harry , I didn't know you were there ! " 
Harry raised an eyebrow and scoffed . 
" Quit bitching . How dare you cheat on my bestfriend ?! " 

" I am sorry , but what's going on ? Do you know him ? " 
" W-well Chris - " 
" Oh , I am gonna introduce myself . I am the friend of the girl who she is cheating on . Nice to meet ya . " 
" What ? What girl ? Cheating ? What does he mean by that Roxi ? " 
" W-well - " 
" She is cheating on her girlfriend with you . " 
" Girlfriend ?! I am her fucking boyfriend ! " 
" Chris please - " 
" No ! Shut up ! " 
" Wow ... This is getting good . So in fact , you didn't only cheat on your girlfriend but you had a boyfriend and you were cheating on him too ! I knew you were bitch , but woho ! Not that big one . " 

" You little ... Chris please ... You gotta believe me ! I- " 
The girl's head turned to the left very quickly . On her cheek was a red mark . 
" Fuck of you slut ! " 
Harry just hung his head down , all memories of this name went through his head . He held back tears as he looked up to see the gray eyes of the boy . 

" Look , I am sorry about your friend . I didn't have a clue about it ... I really am sorry ... " 
" No , no , it wasn't your fault . It's okay . " 
The boy shook his head and started walking away . 
" See you around ! " 
" Yeah , see ya ! Now . I am gonna go and let Pansy know about her                ' girlfriend ' . " 
" Oh no ... You won't . " 
" Huh ? Wha- Agh ! " 

The girl hit Harry in the stomach . She probably didn't know about healing wounds and thought that she caused him that much pain . 

" Aw ... Is the little boy scared of a girl ? Let's have some fun shall we ? " 
" No ! Back off, you psycho ! " 

Harry yelled holding his stomach and tears running down his face . The girl smirked and kicked Harry in the leg which caused him to fall . Roxanne kicked him in the stomach a few times before Harry finally grabbed her leg and pulled it to his side . It caused the girl to fall on her back . Harry after a few minutes notices something warm dripping down his stomach . He raised his hand and saw ...

" B-blood ... " 
He whispered and looked at his shirt . It was soaked in red liquid . He tried to get up but that caused him a lot of pain . He fell back down and started looking for his wand . 

" Looking for this ? " 
" N-no ... " 
" Oh yes ... Now . I need to make sure you won't tell Pansy about it . But I can't trust you so easily . So~ " 

The girl broke Harry's wand in half and threw it at him . 
" This will make you quiet . Especially if I'm just gonna leave you here ... Oh ! I forgot ! " 

The girl took out of her pocket a knife and stabbed it into Harry's thigh . 
" Ah ! " 
" Quiet you whore ! " 
The girl punched him in the face and took the knife out . Then he stabbed it again in the lower part of his leg . Harry screamed once again but nothing else he could do . She took the knife out and hid it . 

" Now . I am sure you can't go anywhere . See you never ! " 
The girl happily walked away and left Harry alone . Harry started crying more . He knew that no one would look here for him . And even if they do , he would probably bleed out . 

" I am sorry Pansy ... Please ... Help me ... " 

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