Chapter 21 - It's a Jungle Out There... Part 1.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, is that okay?" I questioned just to be sure.

"Yeah!" She nodded her head enthusiastically.

She tried to pay for her ticket when we got to the entrance of the Zoo, but I refused adamantly as I grasped her hand to stop it from reaching for her bag.

"No. This was my idea, so I'm paying." I said sternly but with a gentle smile.

"Fine! I'm getting the next one though!" She argued back.

"Sure..." I agreed noncommittedly.

"What do you want to see first?" I asked as we got into the Zoo. Y/N studied the map in the little leaflet they had given us at the ticket booth for a moment before deciding.

"The giraffes!" I grinned at her answer.

"Good because I have another surprise for you!" I told her, quickly checking the time on my phone to make sure that we'll be on time for what I had arranged earlier this morning before Y/N had woken up.

"You do? What is it?!" She queried.

"You'll see when we get there!" I responded cryptically, a mischievous smirk on my lips.

"Colby..." She groaned. Reaching out, I laced my fingers in between hers as I took her hand.

"Come on. They aren't far." Tugging her forward slightly, we went off towards the giraffe enclosure.

Arriving at the enclosure, I spotted a male member of staff standing with an older looking lady, and a teenage girl who I presumed to be her daughter. Leading Y/N over, the staff member gave us a friendly smile when he saw us approaching.

"Are you guys here to feed the giraffes?" He questioned, and Y/N's eye immediately shot over to look at me in awe when she registered what he had asked.

"We are." I confirmed.

"Great, if you'd like to follow me I'll take you over to meet with the zookeeper." The man informed us, and we fell into step behind him.

"Colby, how did you do this?!" Y/N questioned incredulously from my side.

"I know a guy." I answered vaguely.

"Colby." She pulled me to a stop, and I frowned in confusion but it wasn't long before she crashed into my side and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. "Thank you!" She squealed into my chest, and I smiled as I squeezed her briefly before pulling away.

"No problem. Are you excited?"

"Of course! How did you know I love giraffes?"

"Please..." I scoffed. "You were obsessed when we were kids. Don't think I don't remember the matching giraffe print shoes and bag you wore all the time!" I chuckled.

"Oh god... You remember that?" She asked with a moan.

"Of course I do! You were so cute!" I joked, leaning over to ruffle her hair. She let out a noise akin of a squawk, and batted my hand away before fixing her hair.

"Okay guys-" We were interrupted by the zookeeper who introduced herself, and went over some rules before she led us back over to the giraffe enclosure. We were guided up some steps to a platform a couple of metres high so we would be face-to-face with the giraffes.

"We feed them at roughly the same times every day, so they should emerge from their home over there pretty soon." The zookeeper advised, pointing to the big building to the back of the large fenced in area. I could feel the excitement pouring off Y/N in waves as we waited patiently for the giraffe to come out and over to us, and I felt good knowing that I'd made her this happy.

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